Ok ok.. I ADMIT IT!



  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    I love the honesty and think you're right about counting any overage. I'm back on plan this week but for the previous two week period, I ate a total of FIVE banana splits! So, no ice cream for me... LOL :embarassed:
  • pebbles72
    pebbles72 Posts: 89 Member
    Well done for being honest. I couldn't stop snacking on Tuesday and didn't log some of it. We had been woken to a 5.3 quake at 3am that morning and when I'm stressed I eat. I didn't beat myself up about it too much though and was back on track yesterday :happy:
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Uh... Whopper Jr yesterday... :embarassed: Took a long walk after to balance it out... Heh...
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I ate a 510 calorie Sees Candies chocolate, walnut, marshmallow Easter egg! It was so good :love: I logged it and realized I couldn't eat dinner. I ate chips and salsa instead of dinner and went over my cals :ohwell:
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    On mothers day I made white cheese lasagne, made it as healthy as possible, had two pieces of that. I also made chocolate peanut butter cluster cake, had 3 pieces of that:blushing: Oh and I also at least 2 bottles of wine!:drinker: It was pretty awesome! But I have done really well this week since I was on a downward spiral since Easter. And I have logged every bite that has gone into my mouth this week, since I was beginning to slack on that. Phew! I admitted a whole lot feels great:happy:
  • mmiley1111
    mmiley1111 Posts: 36 Member
    Today was a coworkers birthday. So I had a piece of cake that had alot of butter cream icing!!!! YUMMY!!!!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    THIS IS AWESOME! You guys are awesome for sharing! Sometimes, it's good to see everyone splurges, sit back and just laugh about it! Yay for all of us!! :)
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    people people people...these are not cheats....every one of these foods can fit into your day as long as you make room for them....i know i know the purpose of the thread was to get the guilt off your chest but my point is there doesnt have to be guilt.....everything in moderation...make the lifestyle change and you can enjoy life and get healthy....good luck to everyone on their journey to a healthier you...notice i didnt say diet????

    I think you hit the nail on the head.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    :sad: The minute I had to stop going to the gym for 2 weeks, I've eaten everything I can get my hands on...seems like because I'm not working out, it's not worth it. I try harder when I work my *kitten* off, because I don't want to be going through that *kitten* and abuse for nothing, so I'll eat properly and make sure I hit the gym 4-5 times a week. But I recently had minor surgery where I can't do anything for the next two weeks, that includes carrying the laundry up the stairs, so I've taken that as a free pass to eat crap, because I'm not working out anyways, why bother...and I have to admit, my mood has sucked a lot lately too, I'm really bitter and up tight, probably because I'm use to sweating my stress out. I have cheated almost every day for a week now...and I still have 2 weeks to go! :cry:
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    bluiz13 - How many calories a day are you allowed? On my 1200 it is not possible to fit most of these cheat foods in. I am not says that it is totally wrong to indulge once in a while but I do not see how they can be fit in. Just saying.
  • lulusmom
    lulusmom Posts: 71
    3 smores with 4 squares of dark chocolate each. It was worth it.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    Last week was terrible... on sunday alone I had McDonalds breakfast and 4 slices of pizza. *sigh*

    But this week I am back on target. Lets hope I stay there...
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Agreed. I think we all get that we can fit a moderate amount of cheat food in our diets. However, I cannot fit the 1300 calories of pizza I just ate. So yeah, I get what I should have done, but really it's what I have done. And that was eat too much pizza!
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    On Mother's day I had fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy for lunch and for dinner I had a 10 oz steak, stuffed shrimp and 4 hush puppies. Yikes!
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    Hmmmm - Sunflower seeds... Holly crow had noooooo idea they had that much fat... my hubby and I play world of warcraft and I munch and play - no more for me though... Are we all on TOM together or something, lol
    Life happens and sometime we have to just go with it.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Also- I can't decide which is worse- all the pizza I just ate... or how soon I start to feel "un-full" LOL
    @lorishultis actually a small amount of sunflower seeds is really good for you! It's very healthy fat! So don't eliminate them completely :)
  • ohhbee2012
    ohhbee2012 Posts: 17
    The only bad foods are stale or moldy! Everything else is okay, it can fit into your calorie allotments :)
  • carriecolleen
    OK, so Saturday I ate 1/2 of a 1lb chocolate bunny, a bag of ketchup chips...and a bottle of vodka (with diet pepsi)

    I forgot what I ate after the vodka so it's all good.

    I like this thread :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Baaahahahaha I almost fell out of my chair for the vodka one!!!
  • ashleymcquown
    ok really ashamed to admit this but this post hit close to home. i'm still struggling with binge eating and logged over 4000 cals on sunday...kid you not. the big thing is that i actually logged it...i'm proud for that reason. usually when this happens, i'll throw my journal out or pretend it didn't happen. it's all about accountability here. no shame in being honest as long as we learn from it right?