Stress-eaters, please advise: I need support for my wedding

Kellee_76 Posts: 91
edited 6:01AM in Motivation and Support
Stress-eaters, please advise: I need support for my wedding countdown munchies!

Oh my gosh, I'm getting married in 24 days! And there are so many things left to do and so many loose ends. So many distractions! The tasks are also piling up at work. I can't afford to be distracted; when I'm at work, I need to WORK, you know what I mean? But the wedding keeps interrupting me at work, too! Phone calls from family, from the florist, e-mails from vendors, etc. The only thing I seem to want to do to de-stress is eat. I find myself reaching for my planned snacks as soon as I arrive at work or as soon as I return back to work from lunch... and I know I'm not truly hungry. I've been walking during my breaks and lunches and trying to work out in the evening at least 3-4 days per week. This helps me to keep my calories in check but doesn't keep me from wanting to eat. I just want to put food in my mouth and chew it. Man, do I want to EAT! I keep thinking that's going to make me feel better. I know that, long term, it certainly won't but it feels like a good idea at the moment. I'm doing my best not to let those urges win because, if I do, I know that I could easily pack on five pounds by my wedding day.

Got any advice or encouragement for a gal in need? Thanks much! <3 XOXO


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    then eat...just watch what you put in your mouth...I highly recommend a fruit salad with that whipped can have a huge bowl of fruit, and one scoop of whipped topping and tada, you're eating your face off! but it's not that can do the same with veggies, take a butt load of veggies, put it in a bowl and douse it with extra light italian and each your face off!...don't stop the movement of eating, just watch what you put in your the way, congrats on the up coming nuptials, you'll be fine!
  • I chew sugar free gum or suck on sugar free candy when I don't have the extra calories to eat to still fit in my daily goal. Keeps my mouth busy so I get the satisfaction of having something in my mouth without all the added calories of what I really want to eat.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    chew gum!! it keeps your mouth busy and you will be less likely to munch!
    I stuck with sugar free trident (3.5 calories per piece) and It saved me from consuming many extra and unwanted calories!!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I wanted to lose 20lb for my wedding... I gained 8 instead. It's stressful and tough for sure. I wish I had made the time to take out the frustrations in the gym, or tell everyone to bugger off so I could go for a ride or a paddle somewhere, but I gave in, and I ate whatever was laying around. Keep your head up, try to find healthy snacks to fill the craving... and take in a lot of fiber, it stays with you and keeps you from having bad cravings. Good luck to you!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    I'm not a 'stress-eater' so if this is not helpful, sorry! One thing that helps me is little notes that I leave for myself on my mirror and inside my desk drawer at work. They are helpful quotes that keep me focussed on my weight loss all day long. Things like, "If hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the solution." "Discipline is remembering what you want most, not what you want now." etc... You might also want to try cinnamon gum. It helps because the flavor is so super strong, it keeps you distracted from wanting to eat. Good luck to you!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    All the advice given is great... I would advise the same things.... AND... you can also go on the South Beach Phase 1 diet and eat just about as much as you want of all the food options and STILL lose weight!! I have a copy of it if you want me to send it to you!! AND, if you really don't want to eat... just chew the sugar free gum and think of gross things!! I have done that and it makes me not want to eat anything. LOL I know it sounds dumb, but if I know that I am going to go WAY over on something, I will stop and try to remember something really gross that I've seen or heard and it helps!!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I can't stop stress eating/drinking either. Wish I could help! :)
  • I think it's really important to try to only eat when you are hungry, as opposed to eat to amuse yourself, entertain yourself, or soothe yourself. That can turn into a bad habit so quickly then you're wondering how you gained x lbs or now your clothes are all tight.

    I would try to find something else to ease those nerves. If you start depending on food to relax you, it's a slippery slope.

    On the other hand, if you're truly hungry when you have these urges to eat, then you should eat. I know you have alot going on, but maybe this could help you focus: next time you get it in your mind to reach for that food and inhale it, stop yourself and ask, "Why am I eating this: am I hungry? Anxious? Stressed? Or bored?" It could be like an expirament (you could look at it this way). Self-examination. Humans are so interesting, consider that you're learning about yourself right now.

    If you've already played it over and over in your head and you've already concluded that it's because you're stressed and you're treating food like medication to calm nerves, then my suggestion is to find something else to busy your hands or mind in the place of food. You could do sugarless gum, but that could cause you to grind your teeth if you chew it too much too often.

    Would bubble wrap annoy people around you? Popping bubble wrap is insanely satisfying!!

    Hope this helps.
  • hopeless68
    hopeless68 Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm getting married soon too and in anticipation of the munchies I prepare loads of carrot sticks, then I make a dip of 0% fat natural yogurt with a tsp of mint sauce mixed in, and I dip and munch all day without feeling too bad. If I need a sweet hit, then I go to the freezer where I have stored some squares of chocolate. I just get one frozen square and nibble on it slowly. Having said all that... some days I just have to accept that it's a munchy day! If I really feel snacky, I do a 15 minute vigorous workout on my exercise bike which buys me 350 calories. I hate doing the workout though. Good luck with your wedding day. I'm really looking forward to mine.
  • I started to knit when I was having the same problem. For me eating was a habit and I did it without really thinking. Now I knit. It keeps my hands busy and a get really focussed on what I'm knitting. It's good fun and a great way to de-stress, providing you're doing it for fun and not to make a living. is a great website full of help if you fancy it. :-)
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member

    South Beach Diet Good Fats Good Carbs Guide

    Phase 1

    The following is a list of foods you can feel free to enjoy (as well as foods you'll need to avoid) when you begin the Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. These lists will help you stay on track and avoid carbohydrates that may crop up in foods where you don't expect them.

    Foods to Enjoy

    Lean Cuts such as:
    Sirloin (including ground)
    Top Round

    None for the first 2 weeks, then:
    Low fat or fat free milk or soy milk
    Plain or sugar free low fat or fat free yogurt

    Poultry (Skinless)
    Cornish Hen
    Turkey Bacon (2 slices per day)
    Turkey and Chicken Breast

    All types of fish and shellfish

    Boiled Ham
    Canadian Bacon

    Cutlet, leg
    Top Round

    Lunch meat
    Fat free or low fat only

    (fat free or low fat)
    Cottage Cheese, 1%, 2% or fat free
    Cream Cheese Substitute, dairy free

    Almonds (15 per day)
    Macadamias, " "
    Peanut Butter 1 TBSP
    Peanuts 20 small per day
    Pistachios 30

    Whole eggs are not limited unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Use egg whites and egg substitute as desired.

    Use soft, low fat or lite varieties

    Veggies and Legumes
    Beans (Black, Butter, chickpeas, green, Italian, Kidney, Lentils, Lima, Pigeon, Soy, Split peas, wax)
    Collard greens
    Lettuce all varieties
    Mushrooms all varieties
    Snow peas
    Sprouts, alfalfa
    Water Chestnuts

    Oil, canola
    Oil, Olive

    Spices and Seasonings
    All spices that contain no added sugar
    Extracts (almond, vanilla or others)
    Horseradish sauce
    I can't believe it's not butter spray
    Pepper (Black, Cayenne, Red and white)

    Sweet treats (Limit to 75 calories per day)
    Candies, hard, sugar free
    Chocolate powder no added sugar
    Cocoa powder baking type
    Fudge pops sugar free
    Gelatin sugar free
    Gum sugar free
    Popsicles sugar free
    Sugar substitute


    Other fatty cuts
    Rib Steaks

    Chicken wings and legs
    Poultry products processed

    Honey baked ham


    Nonreduced fat

    Potatoes sweet
    Potatoes white

    Avoid all fruits and fruit juices in Phase 1 including:

    Starches and Carbs
    Avoid all starchy food in Phase 1 including:
    Bread all types
    Rice all types
    Pasta all types
    Pastry and baked goods all types

    Avoid all full fat dairy in Phase 1 including
    Ice cream
    Milk Soy
    Yogurt, cup style and frozen

    Alcohol of any kind, including
    beer and wine

    You can copy and paste this into a word doc and print it out for reference. It really works and you lose belly fat first!! It is phenomenal. I remember how much people noticed too!! Good luck to you!

    Sorry it's so long....
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    I am a stress eater who is the daughter and granddaughter of stress eaters. Get some Altoids and keep them everywhere! You won't be able to rinse the taste out your mouth or eat anything for hours. Also keep some low cal noshing food on hand and keep the bad stuff out of reach.

    Dice up fresh fruit to make it last longer and stick in snack bags.
    Slice up raw veggies like carrots, bell peppers, celery, beans etc. to keep in the fridge for snacks. They take a forever to chew.
    Use smaller utensils to eat. You can't eat very fast with a spork and you can get a ton of them at the dollar store.
    Low cal popcorn drizzled with agave and cinnamon.
    Don't buy anything that you know you aren't going to eat the portion size. I can't own Doritos.
    Have light versions of comfort foods on hand: Lean Cuisine lasagna, pizza, meatloaf etc. for weak moments.
    Drink a 8oz cup of water before digging in to your snack, it won't stop you but you will fill up much faster.
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