Flirty Girl Fitness

Has anyone tried it? Did you like it?
I ordered it a few days ago and my Husband is really excited about it, but I'm worried I'll just feel stupid.


  • kirstinkrueger
    Has anyone tried it? Did you like it?
    I ordered it a few days ago and my Husband is really excited about it, but I'm worried I'll just feel stupid.

    I am going to watch this, I was thinking about getting it too, but I have another dance workout DVD and i like it, but it doesnt really do much for me, I prefer zumba. I don't know what it is but there is more to the moves I guess and I feel like i get a lot more out of the workout!
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    never feel stupid! feel sexy and love your body you work hard for it!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I'd like to see if anyone answers this question. My husband desperately wanted me to order it until we found out the complete program is almost $100 lol. It looks fun, but I feel the same way. I feel like I'd be making a fool of myself :laugh:
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I saw it...wasn't for me. I prefer Zumba.