kitty in my bra



  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    while we are talking about pet names...

    i've always wanted a wiener dog to name Weenie. But i hear weenie dogs are kinda hard to deal with..does anyone have them?

    I had a miniture dachshund named Dexter he was a great dog!!! they are very protective of their owners so they sometimes arent friendly with strangers ,,,, and they think they are tough so they like to bark and growel at bigger dogs lol but besides that they are good:smile:

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    we had a long haired dachsund growing up and he was one of the best dogs and so loveable.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    This little guy wants me to be his mommy! Little Weenie. I just love the thought of being like "heeeeree Weenie!!!!"
  • conniptionfits
    i have a "weenie dog" his name is Blue. Because one of his eyes is blue and the other is half blue and half brown. Anyhow.. He's a pain. He doesn't listen to anything anyone says. Lol. It's hard to deal with him most of the time because i've always trained my dogs very well with basic and specialty comands. Anyhow, i wouldn't get another one. Blue is a "pure bred" dapple and he was last pick so he was given to us. Anyhow :) no more weenies for me :laugh:
  • conniptionfits
    oh.. and he is extreemly loveable he's just refuses to listen!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    So cute!

    My kitty likes shoes, she'll just stick her head right into shoes.

    Tonight she was playing with my dogs ball that is supposed to smell like vanilla, she was so cute!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My sister had a dachsund when she lived in Illinois a number of years ago (she may still have him) and he was very protective of her. He was so funny though because she would take him for walks and on the way back home when they were on the block they lived on, she would drop his leash and he would pick it up and walk himself home. :laugh: :laugh:
  • ssheldon318
    I have two mini dachsunds and the are the best! Most Dachsunds are however subborn and very protective of their owners. They listen to me and follow direction, but they act really tough around other dogs especially and that's when the stubborn side comes out. They bark like crazy at other dogs and people that come near me, but I probably didn't do the best job at socializing them when they were little (I was a little overprotective). I have met a few dachsunds that are friendly to strangers, so it's kind of hit and miss, but depends on the owners too.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Every day after I come home from the gym, I strip down and throw my workout clothes on the hamper, and usually my bra ends up on top. After I get out of the shower and go to get dressed, my new kitten makes himself at home on my bra. Never fails, if there is a bra on the hamper, he is sleeping in it.


    We found him and his sister around our dumpsters at our apartment and we found a home for his sister, and well he just made himself right at home. We just need to name him.

    I iz dubl dee kitteh!!! LOL!
  • BlazinEmerald
    My girl is Mocha (Mochachino)

    Your little guy looks like a Java
  • alsrnbsn
    alsrnbsn Posts: 6 Member
    How cute!!!

    I have 4 kittes, and the little one, Peanut, has a fetish for my yarn that I knit with! I will come home from work in the morning and will find 2-4 balls of yarn strewn through 4 rooms in my house (from the storage room, through the living room, through my bedroom and into my bathroom).
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    so totally adorable!! i would name the kitty "double dee" he he.
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    What's funny is, if the bra isn't there, he will lay behind the hamper under the clothes that are hanging in the closet. But I could probably take a picture every day after I get out of the shower and there he will be...on my sweaty bra...I promise I won't post a picture every day, even I couldn't stand that.


    And just to let you know, he is only about 3 1/2 pounds, so I couldn't name him Double Dee...Maybe Triple
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    I iz a eh eh eh kitteh... :laugh: