Ive been on my Fitness Pal for around two months. I have lost 8 lb so far.

My goal is to lose 1.5 per weeek and i have 1200 cals. I excercise mostly everyday and i sometimes eat little of my exercise calories.

THE PROBLEM IS for the past two weeks of been gaining and losing the same pound. I am 150 and sometimes 149 and ive been trying to go under 150 for years and it seems everytime i would get to 150 and try to lose more I CANT!! PLz if you had this problem and know how to fix it, leave me a comment bellow.

Thank you in advance

Caro xox


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    How can we help you if we have no idea about what you ate, or what your workout routine is?? You need to give us more information that you did.
    Are you sure its not water weight gain?
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    We can't help you if we can't see your food and exercise diaries. Make it public so I can see it and I will see what's going on and let you know if anything jumps out at me.
  • SarahARodgers
    SarahARodgers Posts: 6 Member
    Fitness diary / info would help, but based on the information given ...

    It might help to lower your weekly weight loss goal to 0.5 pounds - with being 5'4" you're very close to the healthy weight range for your height, and with being so close to that healthy range it becomes very difficult to lose the last few pounds. Also try eating back your exercise calories (or at least a good portion of them) as your body may be entering into starvation mode and holding on to every extra calorie.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Opening your diary will help people be able to give tips on what you might change up.

    That said, with what you have to lose, you likely have your loss per week goal too high. The body prefers to have a cushion of fat, especially for women. So when you are relatively lean, you have to coax those last 20 lbs off. The way to do this is with a conservative deficit and patience. The higher deficits are for people with lots to lose; you will NOT lose as fast as someone who has 50 lbs to lose. Might read these threads that can help determine a healthy, realistic goal/deficit.
  • jackgomb
    jackgomb Posts: 2
    I think you really should consider eating at least HALF of the calories you earn from exercise. I had this problem for a long time and when I started to eat my exercise calories it all worked out :) Scary concept, but definitley worth a try! Good luck!
  • myopia52
    myopia52 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree. Take a look at what you are eating. All cals are not equal. Try to mix it up a bit. Are you eating the same thing everyday? How about your workouts....are they the same? Your body needs to be shaken up with different foods, spices and workouts. You say that you sometimes eat some of your workout points. I think if you are working out everyday that you need to be eating those cals. You body might be holding on to some of your weight because you are not getting enough food during the day. So eat up.... but just make good choices. Add a couple extra servings of green veggies and fruit. Maybe some healthy fats. Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing. Working out and eating healthy is ALWAYS a good thing, even if the weight is slowly coming off.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I would recommend staying away from processed foods, and start tracking your sodium in your food diary. Also I'm not sure if you just aren't drinking water or are just forgetting to log it but you need to drink at LEAST the 8 cups a day. It's important. Maybe try to get some veggies in your diet also. You can also try increasing your calories a bit and see if that helps. When I was at 1200 for too long I stopped losing and had to increase to 1300-1350 then I started losing again, big. Good luck!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I haven't lost enough to advise, but how much water are you drinking? I might help.:flowerforyou:
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I looked at your diary and you have some good days and some not so good days. You go over quite often and are eating a lot of processed foods that are high in salt. My advice would be to focus on good lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, and good complex carbs. You might add sodium to your tracker and make sure you drink a lot of water. This may sound silly but I find if I drink water through a straw I drink more. I have been on here since Jan and have lost 30 pounds. I've had a few ups and downs and plateaus along the way but if I am honest with myself most are from poor eating. My diary is open, feel free to look and see some of the meals I eat. Good luck!! The fact that you're on here is the first step! Keep it up!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    One of my old employess approached me about wanting to lean out that "final 10 pounds" and I told her just like I'll tell you...

    Do you want to fight the rest of your life to continually keep that 10 pounds off, or do you want to enjoy life and just enjoy being "healthy"... There is a huge difference!!

    Re-evaluate your weight loss per week goal, it sounds like you're set waay too much per week at your size, your body is probably tired... but for now EAT ALL YOUR EXERCISE CALS!!!!!!!!!!!! You are NOT obese and it's not healthy to try to fuel it on that minimal of calories... This may have sounded harsh, but it's not I promise, I juast want you to do this the RIGHT way... :)
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Your sodium intake is definately pretty high, and that will cause some major weight fluctuations. Also, as someone said, you are eating a lot of processed foods, and while they taste good im sure, they are full of sodium. Def. increase your fruits and veggies, whole wheats, good oils such as olive oil, and higher proteins. Drink as much water as youc an stand as long as its over 8 cups. The more the better. This will flush out the salt...