Weight Fluxuating

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to keep to a 1200 calorie diet, (my diary is public) I try to work out every night even for atleast 30 minutes (I do work my horses nightly) I dropped weight 5 #'s the first week and now it seems daily I fluxuate between a 1 or 1.5 #'s daily. I know I shouldnt weight myself daily but I just cant help it. I used to be a diet Dr Pepper drinker and have been off of all pop for 2 weeks now, used to love chips and dips and havent had any for 2 weeks now. Feel free to look at my diary and see where I might be able to change things up. On Mother's Day I cheated a little on my diet so I can see why my weight stayed steady there.

Thank you


  • Smilbuta
    Smilbuta Posts: 10
    Fluctuation is normal,

    If you are compelled to look at your weight daily remember that you must look at the average for the week.

    I work out regularly and can fluctuate as much as 3lbs in a single day depending on my activity.

    Always weight yourself, at the same time, under the same conditions, naked. Best time is when you first wake up after using the restroom, this will give you the most accurate picture of your weight..
  • asmith74
    asmith74 Posts: 12
    Thank You,,,,Yes I have been weighing myself same time every morning after first waking up. Maybe just being to hard on myself.
  • OregonCountryGirl
    I have been reading the a little of the Eat this not that stuff and special K is not that good for you....... Also my weight changes by the hour it seems, one day I will weigh 5 pounds lighter and then the next I will weigh 6 pounds heavier! I can feel your pain and fustration! I need to lose at least 45 pounds........ I have been walking, walking and gardening now. I love to go out and ride my horse but never seem to have the time! Hope this helps!!! Good Luck!
  • OregonCountryGirl
    I have been reading the a little of the Eat this not that stuff and special K is not that good for you....... Also my weight changes by the hour it seems, one day I will weigh 5 pounds lighter and then the next I will weigh 6 pounds heavier! I can feel your pain and fustration! I need to lose at least 45 pounds........ I have been walking, walking and gardening now. I love to go out and ride my horse but never seem to have the time! Hope this helps!!! Good Luck!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    okay so i looked at your diary and you are not eating Enough!! if you eat less than 1200 calories as your net calories (unless you burned over 800 calories for the day and have already eaten 1800 calories worth of food and your net is 1000) but you are putting your body into starvation mode which means it doesnt want to burn fat and it will hold on to every little morsel you give it so eat more if you excercise more i went through this for awhile until my friend in the nursing program put me in my place coming from the girl thats 5ft 3 and went from 182lbs to 145 since november. so eat alittle more just alittle okay it will help also check your sodium levels :) it'll all even out in the end but try my advice i swear it will help
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I am a compulsive weigher -- I weigh at least once a day, and my weight can fluctuate as much as 3-4 pounds within a day. I only record my official weight once per week, but I like to know what my body is doing throughout the week. For example, I once "only' lost 0.5 pound one week, but throughout the week I had gained 2 pounds. So rather than being disappointed with a 0.5 pound loss, I was ecstatic.

    This flux is normal, and mostly water.