Why am I so sore??

cwann1 Posts: 6 Member
I have been running 4 or 5 times a week for a couple months. I ran my first race Saturday and obviously pushed harder than usual. I took Sunday and Monday off. I ran my usual route yesterday and then when I ran today everything hurt! From my calve muscles and thighs, I even got a side ache. What is going on?? Is it something I ate? Do I run again tomorrow or take a day off? Please help!


  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    You need a day off...or to do something other than running for a few days... You could have or could be on your way to getting an over use injury. Quite a few of my friends run marathons & they have to take time off after their running day as to not injure them selves. Make sure you are doing dailey stretches as well.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I heard once that you take off a day for each mile you run in a race.... just my thoughts :wink:
  • Nussbary
    Nussbary Posts: 34 Member
    No, Keep Running! you need to keep you body moving. sitting around will let your muscles freeze up. Did you cool down after your race? I know this may sound silly but it is crucial! Depending on your training and events you can build up acid in your body which can make it feel like you've hit a wall.

    Also, always stretch after you run. You will increase your flexibility, your stride and your speed. This is another MUST. Because you are already sore now, go to the gym and spend some time stretching. use a foam roller on your sides, calves, hamstrings and quads. lay on a ball and do some crunches.

    The important thing is to keep moving. when you are in pain, spend your training time stretching and walking, but always try to stay moving, too many days off can be bad (for a lot of reasons). However, don't over do it. If you get injured, it is a bigger problem.