Hello. I'm new.

jekirkland1990 Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey. My name is Elizabeth. I'm 20 years old. I'm looking for a few friends on here to help support me and let me support you.

Yesterday I found this app on my ipod and I weighted myself for it and realized I need to get serious losing weight as I've finally hit 300lbs. It's time to lose it! This site has me really motivated. Tomorrow morning I'm going start walking in the for at least an hour. I really want to lose 50lbs by August 14th. Now I don't know if this is possible but I want to get as close to that goal as I can.

Any idea how long biggest loser is where they lose all that weight? I know some of them lose alot but not really sure the time frame they are under.


  • beal84
    beal84 Posts: 14 Member
    Don't worry about the TV show. They are in a controlled environment where they workout for 8 hours a day. Just come in under your calorie goal on here, workout 30min-hour a day, and religiously record everything on this site without taking breaks (when you have a cheat day and don't record is what sets you back) and you will lose weight. Feel free to add me.
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    Welcome! Im glad you came here! Don't put so much pressure on yourself. You just need motivation and discipline to keep on track. You can add me if you want ;)
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    check out the sucess stories :)
  • eemaddux
    eemaddux Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it!!!! 50 lbs REALLY isnt a lot to lose in that time. You got it girl!
  • brunoray
    brunoray Posts: 2

    did not know that you shouldn't report the cheat day -i had one on Sunday (sort of unplanned) and thought it best to leave it out... but i won't in the future. i just don't understand why the scale doesn't move -- i exercise --try to stay just slightly under the calories and nothing -- lost 4 lbs in first couple of weeks and that's where it has stayed. i do take meds for thyroid, but i thought that meant that the thyroid should no longer be responsible for keeping way on... i'm so tired of trying and trying
  • smartin0619
    smartin0619 Posts: 36 Member
    I recently joined MFP too, we all need motivation and this is a great place to start. I agree with not paying attention the biggest loser, it is completely controlled with the 8+ hours of constant workouts daily. Often when they go home they end up gaining a lot of the weight back. Slow and steady is much more realistic and easier to maintain. It has to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    Starting with your walks is a great start. If you don't have access to a gym, there are lots of home videos that are great to do. ( I actually really like Jillian's videos from the Biggest loser). Feel free to add me, best of luck to you :)
  • wicklessgal
    wicklessgal Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! I am fairly new and could always use extra support! Feel free to add me if you wish. I am feeling really good about this program. Looking forward to talking to and supporting you as well!
  • Welcome! You should definitely check out the success stories. They are great for motivation!
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    hey welcome also i found great is i leave my diary open so people can look! and help me out even if its the wrong things im eating
    great support feel free to add me
  • Hi Elizabeth,

    I'm also a newbie here, so nice to meet someone else who's just getting started! Good luck with your journey! I started walking a couple of miles a day last week and am hoping this will help me shed some of my excess weight. We'll see what my doc has to say tomorrow!

    As for the Biggest Loser, I'm with everyone else on this. We can't compare ourselves to those contestants. During the time they are on the show they really have nothing to focus on but the weight loss. It's just not realistic to attempt to live life normally and get those kind of results. Just concentrate on yourself and your journey and I'm confident you'll see some reward for your hard work!
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