
beal84 Posts: 14 Member
So I've been toying around with the myfitnesspal app on my iPhone for a couple of months. But this week is the first serious attempt I'm making at weight loss and this is my first time actually going to the community online. I need a few friends to keep me on track and hopefully I can do the same for someone else. Thanks.


  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member

    I found that just having the app on the 'phone has been a great help, because merely tracking what I eat has helped me to reshape what I choose to eat. It's such a great feeling to post a meal and see that you're under 3- or 400 calories for the meal because you chose differently than you usually do. (The *very first day* using the app I made the discovery that a Starbucks oatmeal cookie was like 350 calories, and I thought - Whoa! That's a MEAL! And that was the last cookie.)

    Let us know what your challenges are and how we can help. Be sure to keep your "wall" updated by posting what you're doing. And remember at the end of every "food day" to click the "Complete This Entry" button on the "Food" page - it's awesome to have the app tell you "if you keep this up in a few weeks you'll weigh <X>." So motivational!

    Good luck.