Loss 7 kg Fat Mass but only 1.6 kg loss from my weighing sca


I started join Fitness First on March 2011. Starting with 3 times a week workout either group classes or own cardio workout.
On April, I decided to took Body First promotion pack which include 3 hrs PT session. However, on April 13, I feel most disappointed because I saw no changes in my weight and my fat mass is increased after the first weight. As I only have 3 PT session, my PT had advice me to come more regular and took as many as group classes as I can.

Since that date, I came everyday to gym, and took as much as Body Combat or Body Pump classes whatever is there in a schedule.
Now after about a month, I can feel some different in my self. on May 9, I weight again and my Body Fat has loss 7 kg from the my last weighted on 13/4. However, I only lost 1.6 kg.

What does this means?


  • katnz17
    katnz17 Posts: 45
    I'm no professional but I would assume the weight is due to a build up in muscle which is a good thing. Muscle weighs more then fat but looks better and helps you lose weight in the long term. When you start something new and start building up muscle, you'll see your weight increase for that.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    That would mean you have increased lean weight and or water weight.
  • Andy_Carloz
    Andy_Carloz Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for your advice.
    if I increase on water weight, is that good or bad?
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    your body should contain somewhere around 50-60 % water
  • Andy_Carloz
    Andy_Carloz Posts: 14 Member
    my body water increase about 5% but still only 30% from my body weight.. I drank about 2 litre every day but it seems still not enough.. Can body water help to lose weight?