Suggestions needed....I feel like I need to put food in my m

genevaturtle Posts: 23 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone have any snack suggestions or general suggestions for me with this issue? I work in an office and sit most of the day. I feel like I have to eat every 2 hours. I am averaging 48 ounces of water daily, and have been chewing alot of gum.


  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I have the same issue--but I'm at home so I have access to food all day! One thing I found that really helps is hot tea--there are all different flavors and there are herbal diet teas.
    I'll also be checking this out for suggestions for me---thanks for posting it.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I find that an apple helps!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Chew gum.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    I like good old carrots dipped in low fat ranch. Also, Pirates Booty and Smart Puffs are a wholesome yummy snack and they taste like Cheetos! I love to munch on those and so does my 16 month old!! Both are all natural.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    As always, Lots of veggies. When you bring them home from the store cut them up. Nuts and dried fruit. Wheat thin crackers and 1 oz cheese or Spicy humus. Don't drink your calories. Graham Cracker and peanut butter. Yogurt. Low fat popcorn. Baked chips and salsa. But make sure it is all portion controlled and if you can add foods to your dairy before you eat them and see if it fits into your goals for the day. I usually add the day before so I know exactly what to eat the next day. I can make better choices and I find it works.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I find that an apple helps!

    ditto! An apple fills me up.
  • nelster
    nelster Posts: 19 Member
    I snack on peanuts through the day; just a small handful leaves me feeling content for quite a while. I also found that drinking tea or something just slightly sweetened helps in addition to all the water I am drinking. Often it doesn't take much to stop the hunger, but knowing how to portion isn't always easy. Sometimes, I ask myself what is the smallest amount that I need to hold me over? It helps me, I guess.
  • bradleycl5
    bradleycl5 Posts: 1
    I found that I was having a similar problem. I think the best thing to do is force yourself not to eat every two hours. It is really hard at first, but the need to eat that often starts to disappear after a few days and your body gets used to just eating three balanced meals a day. As long as you keep up with the water then you should be fine. Keep persevering. If you still really feel like you need to eat then you could try really low calorie things like carrot and cucumber sticks or low calorie fruit.
  • pmills60
    pmills60 Posts: 11
    I carry celery and carrot sticks with me...and sometimes I bring an apple or other fruit. I try to bring different things so I don't get sick of eating the same thing. Also I bring sugar free pudding -- I love the dark chocolate mousse temptations (only 60 calories). I work in an office too -- and prior to being on my diet plan I found myself just eating for no reason...So I try to keep the celery or carrot sticks for when I just seem to need to put something in my mouth...
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    eating every 2-3 hours is how I lost all my weight!!! Don't be ashamed of that---just make healthy choices, high quality foods. a few ounces of left over chicken from last night, an apple with pnbutter, celery and peanubt butter, yogurt and fruit, Always try to eat a little protein when you have a snack--it keeps your blood sugar from spiking and crashing so fast--and this is what makes you hungry again AND crave crap.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Cucumber slices with fat free dip are my new go to snack when I have the munchies. I can eat an entire cucumber for like 30 calories and feel zero guilt. And this from someone who used to eat a box of processed crackers in a sitting. Veggies with hummus is another great idea that adds protein. Try to roast some chickpeas too with your fave spices- crunchy high protein and low cal- what's not to love.

    Plus keep upping that water intake.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Hard Boiled eggs are high in protein, 70 cals and make you feel satisfied. I like activia, 4 oz 70 cals, and special k protein meal bars, 170-180 cals, but well worth it 10g of protein and the chocolate & peanut butter yum! They are a little hard to chew, so I take small bites and chew a while. I also don't eat it all at once. I will eat a couple bites, wrap it up, stick it in my desk drawer, 30-40 min later, repeat until gone.
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    if you know that you need to snack in the day quite a bit then prepare yourself for the snack before you leave work ,invest in some little food containers
    a good combination that takes away hunger & makes you feel satisfied & tastes good together is a mix of : walnut halves ,sultanas ,fresh apple slices & brown bread .
    a good tasting snackie treat & not too bad for you either ,can sit at your desk & pick away
    chopped sticks carrots & celery cucumber ,a nice dip made of 1 pot natural unsweetened yoghurt ,1 tsp low fat cream ,small dash fresh lemon ,chopped chives & a dash of salt n pepper ,sounds boring but is actually quite yum & tasty with the dip .
    lettuce leaf rolls : take a few whole lettuce leaves in some film/ foil /container & a little tub mix of chopped avacado ,salmon ,red onion, prawns ,cucumber ,feta cheese ,crushed peanuts ,crushed walnuts ,beansprouts ,cooked chicken slices , all just a hint of items you can put in ,not meant to be all together ,just some ideas ,take with a little pot of the yoghurt dip ,put a spoonfull of what ever ingredients you have in the leaf roll up & dip ,do not make up & roll before as the lettuce will go soggy .
    i think the trick to making more appetizing is instead of taking a whole apple or carrot a pkt of this a pkt of that ,chop it all before & prep it ,have ready in a container ,it makes it picky snackie food that you can keep popping your fingers in to get another bit & the combination makes you not bore ,lets face it a whole carrot to munch on gets a bit boring ,& its all even more appetizing if we make a little dip to spruce it up a bit .
    hope this gives you some ideas & helps
  • genevaturtle
    genevaturtle Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, there are super great ideas from each of you! thank you! I will be trying quite a few of these. I have been packing my meals but you are all right, it does get boring and that is maybe why I look for things to eat. Thank you! I do appreciate it very much that you took the time to give suggestions and ideas!
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