Peanut butter

albali Posts: 225 Member
edited 6:18AM in Food and Nutrition
I notice that lots of people on here eat peanut butter. I love it but thought it was really fattening. I also (wrongly) imagined you could only eat it on toast!! I love the stuff and was wondering if you could give me some ideas about how you eat it! I noticed someone had it with banana! Do you dip it in!!!??? Someone else said they had it in a smoothie!! Can I have any lovely, scrummy peanut butter recipes please, especially a smoothie one?! Thanks so much.


  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Peanut butter is DELISH with a fuji apple. Just dip slices or put it on with a knife. Might sound weird, but TRUST me.....yum.
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    Me too.
  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    I get the JIF-To-Go.

    You get 8 individual cups, which helps me portion control.

    I dip celery in there. Great snack
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I like to cut up apples and dip them in peanut butter. I also love peanut butter sandwiches. Sometimes with banana slices. I LOVE rice cakes with peanut butter on top. And peanut butter is pretty darn good in cookies, too. :)

    Now I think I need to eat some peanut butter. lol
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    I eat it on Pumpernickel bread... it's so good! And Pumpernickel bread is only 80 calories a slice! :)
  • ashleigh2311
    ashleigh2311 Posts: 105 Member
    i love it but its high in protein and i struggle to not go over my protein limit as it is :(

    peanut butter and banana toasties <3
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I cut up an apple, add some yogurt, and sprinkle PB2 on it. :)
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I love peanut butter... I use the Better n'Peanut Butter that has 100 calories and 2g of fat per serving... I use it on English muffins, apples, and whatever else sounds good - sometimes just plain!!!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Peanut butter on apples/bananas/strawberries/pears is divine! Just a tip on the peanut butter, it is quite high in calories, but it's due to mostly good fats, so enjoy....but try to measure it out and not eat it from the jar. Also, don't buy peanut butter that's should only have one ingredient: (unblanched/roasted) peanuts. If you see more than one ingredient, run! I suppose added salt is okay, but I don't care for salty foods. Sugar in your peanut a huge no! I see a lot of people on here say "Oh my peanut butter only has 6's natural"...all you need in peanut butter is peanuts.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    I do PB2 here. Its a dehydrated peanut butter, minus the oil/fat/sugar - but still has all of the yummy taste and protein. I toss a couple tbsps in an almond milk smoothie for a fast (LOW CALORIE) post workout recovery drink. Amazing stuff! You can also rehydrate it with water, and have the peanut butter you love without all of those pesky calories.
  • I usually eat two tablespoons full right out of the jar!! I'm so uncouth =/
  • nancymmorris
    nancymmorris Posts: 310
    6 oz of greek yogurt, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a few raisins. This is my favorite dip. I dip fruit, celery, crackers. So YUMMY!!!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I add a teaspoon or so to a smoothie- half a banana, 100mils skim milk, 2-3 strawberries and sometimes a tablespoon of natural yoghurt. Yummo!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    I put it in my porridge every morning. Yum Yum :smooched:
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Why is peanut butter "healthy" if it has saturated fat?

    Q. I keep reading that peanut butter is a healthy food. But it contains saturated fat and has more sodium than potassium. That doesn't sound healthy to me.

    A. The presence of saturated fat doesn't automatically kick a food into the "unhealthy" camp. Olive oil, wheat germ, and even tofu — all "healthy" foods — have some saturated fat. It's the whole package of nutrients, not just one or two, that determines how good a particular food is for health.

    Let's take a look at the peanut butter package. One serving (about 2 tablespoons) has 3.3 grams of saturated fat and 12.3 grams of unsaturated fat, or about 80% unsaturated fat. That puts it up there with olive oil in terms of the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat. Peanut butter also gives you some fiber, some vitamins and minerals (including 200 milligrams of potassium), and other nutrients. Unsalted peanut butter, with 5 milligrams of sodium, has a terrific potassium-to-sodium ratio. Salted peanut butter still has about twice as much potassium as sodium. That profile compares quite favorably with bologna, roast beef, and many other sandwich fixings.

    Over the years, numerous studies have shown that people who regularly include nuts or peanut butter in their diets are less likely to develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes than those who rarely eat nuts. Although it is possible that nut eaters are somehow different from, and healthier than, non-nutters, it is more likely that nuts themselves have a lot to do with these benefits.

    Saturated fat isn't the deadly toxin it is sometimes made out to be. The body's response to saturated fat in food is to increase the amounts of both harmful LDL and protective HDL in circulation. In moderation, some saturated fat is okay. Eating a lot of it, though, promotes artery-clogging atherosclerosis, the process that underlies most cardiovascular disease. In contrast, unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.

    I try to eat as healthful a diet as I can. It includes all kinds of nuts, as well as peanut and other nut butters.

    — Walter C. Willett, M.D.
    Professor of Nutrition
    Harvard School of Public Health
  • leahw01
    leahw01 Posts: 3
    I LOVE peanut butter on bananas! I learned that from my dad as a little girl. Now my children love it too!
    I've recently made peanut butter cups using Chocolate Delight recipe. ( You should google it! Tons of info and you tube videos out there on it) SO good and actually NOT bad for you at all! SCORE!
    You may want to watch the peanut butter you buy though. Almost all unless organic have lots of added sugar. :(
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Melt that Tablespoon of PB in the micrwave for about 30 seconds and dip that Fuji apple. Better than sex (ok not really but it is yummy.) :tongue:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Toast or english muffin with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana sliced on top is my breakfast about 5 out of the 7 days a week. It's soooo good and filling and just plain great!
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Peanut butter on apples/bananas/strawberries/pears is divine! Just a tip on the peanut butter, it is quite high in calories, but it's due to mostly good fats, so enjoy....but try to measure it out and not eat it from the jar. Also, don't buy peanut butter that's should only have one ingredient: (unblanched/roasted) peanuts. If you see more than one ingredient, run! I suppose added salt is okay, but I don't care for salty foods. Sugar in your peanut a huge no! I see a lot of people on here say "Oh my peanut butter only has 6's natural"...all you need in peanut butter is peanuts.

    I TOTALLY agree!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I usually eat two tablespoons full right out of the jar!! I'm so uncouth =/

    :laugh: I'm so glad I'm not alone!
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