
jmruef Posts: 824 Member
So I use the elliptical every day and get a really good workout from it - I'd guess I average a calorie burn of 250 for 15 minutes. The problem is I'm killing my left foot. I have an odd gait due to a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy - my left foot turns in a bit when I walk, and I must be doing something funky on the elliptical because the top of my left foot is now killing me. I'm taking tylenol, icing it, trying to stretch it out, etc, but now even walking hurts.

I do have another machine - it's kind of a rowing machine. (Not really but I'm not entirely sure how else to describe it. So for my purposes, it's a rowing machine.) Can anyone point me to a website or reference that will tell me how many calories rowing will burn? (I think this is also a strength builder more than a cardio workout, which is fine. I just need a way to burn calories until I can re-start the elliptical and figure out a way to NOT kill my foot.)



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had an elliptical and it caused lower back problems. I ended up giving it to my daughter.
    Went for an MRI and found out I had bulging dics etc.
    Not sure what you can do to fix this problem. Its wonderful that you are even doing this with
    this condition, that's great. The rowing machine might be better due to the fact that you are
    using your legs and arms more than your feet. Create an exercise and maybe it will
    tell you what the calories would be. Or if you have an HRM that would help too. :bigsmile:
  • bcklee
    bcklee Posts: 50 Member
    I have cerebral palsy as well, basically what you described and I am having a similar issue with my foot too. I have found that taking Advil or Ibuprofen helps (not Tylenol). Advil helps to reduce muscle inflammation and soaking it in a hot tub afterwards. I actually let my feet sit in the bubble jets and massage them. Also pedicures (believe it or not ) help reduce the pain in my feet. My feet are VERY sensitive so I don't like people to touch them, but after the first couple of times the sensitivity begins to go away. I hope this helps.