How long is your workout?



  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    I have a 2 week cycle due to work and it is a bit of everything, I have a 25 ish min cycle to work each day so I get 45 to 50 mins anyway and ill do 5 days training on top all ranging from 40 mins to 4 hours, I do Yoga once a week and do 2/3 days on the turbo trainer and a day doing core exercises , 2 Time Trials from 10 to 25 miles and a nice long ride once every 2 weeks. So I don't have a set time

    that pic cracked me up. that cycling is paying off. you're huge man!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    80 minutes 5 days a week, walking outside 4 miles. If the weather's bad then about 70 minutes of Leslie Sansone 3 mile and 1 mile workouts.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the day.