This questions is for the Ladies...



  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I weigh myself because I have a scientific brain and I love looking at the numbers. I know that I'll gain during TOM, but it's temporary and it's kind of fun looking at my weight go up and down. I know that overall my numbers are trending down and that is good enough for me :)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I weigh. As long as I'm maintaining my gallon or more of water a day then I don't gain any water weight. Unlike most, I don't get a raging appetite during that time, in fact I have no appetite at all so I know that certainly helps with not gaining. I just wouldn't get discouraged if the scale is up because it's more times than not, just water weight.
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    can anyone tell me how long it takes to feel back to normal after TOM? I was feeling so on track and waking up with a flat stomach and them boom, my period came 3 days ago an dmy belly looks pregnant, even my hips and legs look bigger, i haven't weighed myself, too scared! Will it all go away in a couple of days?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I still weigh myself, but I do take TOM into account when I see the numbers on the scale. I don't usually log TOM weigh in weight because I know it is higher due to bloating.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I weigh. As long as I'm maintaining my gallon or more of water a day then I don't gain any water weight. Unlike most, I don't get a raging appetite during that time, in fact I have no appetite at all so I know that certainly helps with not gaining. I just wouldn't get discouraged if the scale is up because it's more times than not, just water weight.

    I too drink my gallon of water and don't see much water weight gain... Maybe drinking MORE water is key!!
  • nitarongish
    nitarongish Posts: 114 Member
    Great question! My weigh and measurement day is tomorrow and I just started mine, ugh! I know I am retaining fluid but I thought I would go ahead and log, because I'm thinking by the next weigh/measurement day, it'll really make me feel good to see I've dropped even more! Good luck.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I weigh. As long as I'm maintaining my gallon or more of water a day then I don't gain any water weight. Unlike most, I don't get a raging appetite during that time, in fact I have no appetite at all so I know that certainly helps with not gaining. I just wouldn't get discouraged if the scale is up because it's more times than not, just water weight.

    I too drink my gallon of water and don't see much water weight gain... Maybe drinking MORE water is key!!

    Drinking more is definitely the key. The more water you drink the more your body lets go of because as long as the water keeps coming in then your body doesn't need to store any. I'm due for my monthly anyday now and still haven't gained anything, in fact, I've lost, ah the benefits of good ol' H2O :smile:
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    i do not weigh in , well i do just to see if i did go down at all and if i weigh in and have lost weight i put down how much and the fact that its my monthly time