healthy smoothies recipes?

romaan Posts: 5
Does anyone have any recipes for *healthy smoothies? I have strawberries, natural peanut butter, bananas, red grapes, blueberries, apples, and a couple oranges. Any suggestions?

P.S. I'm completely out of flax seeds, no bueno.


  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    well I had one this morning.
    I used one container of kroger carbmaster vanilla yogurt - 60 calories
    3/4 cup frozen mango -90 calories
    5 strawberries 30 calories
    and a cup of ice and blended them together.

    You could, they usually have tons of great recipes
    you could use the strawberries, 1 banana and some orange juice squeezed from the oranges to make one.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    BUMP* I'll be following this thread!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Always up for new recipes....
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    well I had one this morning.
    I used one container of kroger carbmaster vanilla yogurt - 60 calories
    3/4 cup frozen mango -90 calories
    5 strawberries 30 calories
    and a cup of ice and blended them together.

    You could, they usually have tons of great recipes
    you could use the strawberries, 1 banana and some orange juice squeezed from the oranges to make one.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    well I had one this morning.
    I used one container of kroger carbmaster vanilla yogurt - 60 calories
    3/4 cup frozen mango -90 calories
    5 strawberries 30 calories
    and a cup of ice and blended them together.

    You could, they usually have tons of great recipes
    you could use the strawberries, 1 banana and some orange juice squeezed from the oranges to make one.

    Did u use water, or milk or nothing?
  • FoodiePatootie
    This is a yummy one my daughter and I came up with:

    8 oz fat-free milk
    Sugar free Torani chocolate syrup
    Sugar free Torani peanut butter syrup
    1/2 cup Vanilla 100-calorie yogurt
    Crushed ice to your desired consistency

    Blend all together and enjoy!
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    I have one almost everyday! I live ont hem.They are soooo fabulously delcious and nutricious! haha. Anyway, add me as a friend and you see them in my diary.

    But here's the basic outline ( I do vary the fruit some). Oh, and I often split it into two insulated cups. I like to split it up and have it as a snack and my lunch.

    1/2 pouch Yoplait or Jamba Juice frozen fruit smoothie mix
    1 6oz Plain Greek yogurt (Dannon or Chobani is best!)
    a few teaspoons splenda with fiber (or to taste but the greek yogurt needs to be sweetened)
    1 Tb sugar free starwberry syrup
    1/2 teaspoom crystal light mix (my favorite is orange or peach)
    1 scoop protein powder
    1/2 c. fat free milk
    1 to 1.5 cups ice cubes

  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Here's what I usually put in- Frozen fruit (for me its usually blueberries/blackberries/strawberries/raspberries), half a banana, orange juice, a couple ice cubes, bee pollen, some fat-free vanilla yogurt, and some fresh spinach leaves. You can't taste the spinach at all, I swear. And its high in iron and folic acid. Also, you can add some oatmeal that has been prepared and cooled off.
  • Big_Dancer
    Big_Dancer Posts: 17
    My favorite is a cup of greek yogurt, couple of strawberries, half a cup of blueberries, maybe 1/3 of a banana or half a cup of pineapple, and some ice. Flax seeds are good too,and I even throw in a cup or so of spinach if its starting to get old. It makes a gross color, but you don't even taste it. I eat this as breakfast because its got a good ratio of protien and carbs, lots of fiber, and it fills you up and makes you feel good in the morning. Minus the flax seeds, its about 220 cal.

    @ Panda - Jinks! (almost)
  • xxCelestexx
    xxCelestexx Posts: 57 Member
    I am trying to find a reciepe to use. I have frozen berries and yogurt. But do you guys add milk or orange juice? Do I add ice?
    Which is better to add?