Relationships that start out Long Distance



  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I met my DH in the pre-internet days & boy that fact makes me feel old!:laugh:
    We kept up a long distance relationship for a few years until we married. It'll be 21 years at the end of this month.:noway:
    It takes work to make a long distance relationship going, but when it works it's totally worth while.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Yes. I met my hubby online like 6 years ago, he was in Turkey and im in the US, we were talking online and over the phone for a year and a half, for some reason he couldnt come visit me so I went all the way there by myself just to meet him first. Let me tell u, it was one of the best decisions i've ever took. I remember going out of the Istanbul airport and he was waiting for me there with a bouque of beautiful flowers (i still have them btw), it was craaazy! His family was at his house waiting to meet me, they made dinner for me and invited the whole family. I was about to die Lol Anyway everything came out perfect, we are married, we have a beautiful 8 mo baby, we live in usa, he found a great job here... Life is great!
  • Satya_Ayurveda
    Satya_Ayurveda Posts: 91 Member
    My sister met a man online who lived in Peru, she lived here in the US. Turns out he was the nephew of the Peruvian President, Alan Garcia. They are now happily married with a family living in South America. I also lived apart from my husband for the first year of our marriage... long distance relationships can work.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    luv when long distance relationships work :D
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    we started out long distance, and stayed long distance until just a few weeks before the wedding! maybe made the adjustment of living together harder to go from missing each other to being all up in eachothers grills everyday, and I do sometimes wish we could have stayed in my town instead of his, now that I am here, but it was the only way it could have worked in our situation. The distance shook up our relationship a few times, it got rocky, but having each other in our lives, even long distance, was better than not having each other, thats how you know it will work out, when you care enough to make it work even if its not the ideal situation.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I tried it twice, but I am not willing/able to move and neither where they. I have known of a few success stories tho.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yep. Met my husband on We lived 250 miles apart. Dated for 8 months going back and forth as much as possible. Then I moved to his town, in together. The first six months living together was tough. I was totally not sure we were going to make it. It had nothing to do with finding out things hidden, etc. that do happen to people who've met online, rather just finding how to live together. I think it would have happened even if we lived in the same town. Anyways, we will be married for 6 years in September and have a daughter who will turn five in September also.

    Wow. Time moves so fast. I can't believe we will be married six years this year...that means we've been together 8. Wow.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Lots of online matches here.... thank goodness for the internet!!!

    And great to see that most worked out great !
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I've been in my current relationship for the last 4.5 years. 2.5 years ago, my fiancee moved here to be with me. Now we have a lovely home together and will be getting married in the next year or two!
  • kclowry
    kclowry Posts: 4 Member
    I think LDRs are a waste of time. Especially the ones that start off that way.
  • ncwmark
    ncwmark Posts: 40
    12 years ago I met a great girl online and found out she lived about 3 hours away. We communicated online and by phone for a few months and then decided to meet. I made the drive and we had a great day out. The sparks really weren't there between us and though we stayed friends, nothing more really happened. She later called me up and said "You know, you and my friend really hit it off when you were up here, you should ask her out". I did... a year and a half later I was the one that made the move... and now we've been married for more than eight years. Two awesome kids and a fantastic wife... life is good.

    The main benefit that a long distance relationship has, in my opinion, is that I think on some levels you get to know the person even better as the relationship is very communication intensive. One of the biggest problems though is that you don't the full picture of who the other person is and you may try to fill in missing information with qualities and traits that you hope are there.

    Worked for me though. ;)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I think LDRs are a waste of time. Especially the ones that start off that way.

    The evidence shown here would seem to indicate quite the opposite! There is a whole world out there for the taking, why limit yourself to people in your own doorstep?!
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    Here! I met my husband on ICQ (remember that) and we were online friends for a long time. He asked me to visit one time and it worked out that I was on vacation already so I just took a side route. When I finally visited him, the chemistry was killer and we were instantly not just friends anymore. I stayed there a week. His family lived about 3 hrs from me so he went there for a while so we could see each other a little more, barely 6 mths after "seeing" each other the first time I moved out to live wiht him 2000 miles away. Today we have been together 12 years, married almost 10, known each other around 14 and have 5 children. Its not always been easy but I think we are a great team and am glad I took that risk :)
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Lots of online matches here.... thank goodness for the internet!!!

    And great to see that most worked out great !

    Agreed. This thread gives me a lot of hope. Of course, if it was the opposite side of the argument, I'd be really depressed at this point. Haha.
  • wildbio
    wildbio Posts: 42 Member
    My boyfriend and I live about 150 miles away from each other and have been together for about a year and a half. Although we didn't meet online we have been long distance the entire time. I actually like being long distance! What makes it tricky is that we both have very good jobs that don't transfer easily. He has just started to express his frustration with the distance. He wants me to move there and of course I would love it if he moved here. We're sort of at an impasse for the time being but we are trying to make it work. Luckily the distance isn't insurmountable like in some cases, and we do get to see each other most weekends. It is possible, although it takes a lot of patience and communication.
  • kclowry
    kclowry Posts: 4 Member
    I think LDRs are a waste of time. Especially the ones that start off that way.

    The evidence shown here would seem to indicate quite the opposite! There is a whole world out there for the taking, why limit yourself to people in your own doorstep?!
    Because I get annoyed and frustrated when I can't see someone I'm dating on a regular basis.
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    Met the love of my life in a yahoo chat 5 years ago. Talked for a week online, another week over the phone and decided to meet. Had our first date. He brought me otter pops :D (i had told him they were my favorite) Had a 2nd date. Felt like he was ready for a big commitment and I just wasn't ready for that. So stopped all contact with him. 2 years ago this month he randomly emailed me & the sparks flew. We then lived 7 hours away from each other. We talked on the phone for 3 days before he asked me to be his girl. :) 6 months later he moved here. Our 2 year anniversary is next month and he's the most amazing man I've ever known. We are meant to be. I feel it in my soul. LDR can work. But someone will have to move. Most definitely. And its all about communication and commitment. That's all. If you're committed to making it work and are communicating your wants and needs with your partner and are allowing them to communicate what they want/need, it will work out.
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    Being in a distance relationship is tough a best....keeping the love and romance going has to have two special people with the same goal...developing friendships on line can be very rewarding you find out so much about them because you have to exspress your most inter thoughts in words.... some workout being just good friends at a distance and others workout great being lovers..I think it depends on both where they want the relationship to the end it can be very rewarding
  • BellySoonGone
    BellySoonGone Posts: 150
    I think LDRs are a waste of time. Especially the ones that start off that way.

    The evidence shown here would seem to indicate quite the opposite! There is a whole world out there for the taking, why limit yourself to people in your own doorstep?!

    Agree :) .. true love conquers all.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    yes I met my now husband in 2006 online. me in california him in miami!! I never thought that would happen!
    but yea we started talking in may of 2006 met in sept 2006 (he came to cali) then I went in Nov 2006 for thanksgiving, then went back on Dec for christmas to stay longer, from then on I was up and down from cali to miami,(Im so lucky no plains fell)... we got married in june of 2008 (I was living in cali at the time and went to get married it was a quick weekend trip :(.... then finally in sep 2008 I went and stayed and have not gone back to cali...I am too scared to fly now!!!... we have a son he was born in sept 16 2009 and he is the love of our lives!!! ... It was a crazy ride but worth it!

    wow I barely realized that so many good things happen in september for me I started my new lifestyle in September 2010 also..hmmm thats kinda cool!!! lets see what this September brings!!
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