Help with stress/emotional eating

Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Hi All,

I am a stress/emotional eater and the stress I have been fighting for the last year and a half has not done me well on the weight loss front. Any time my stress peaks so do my calories in and my energy levels plummet. I have had a couple of anxiety attacks as well as I have gone though this ordeal and I find when I am going through one it is almost impossible to not turn to food. I know the stress load will not lessen for at least another 4-6 months and that is out of my control.

I know many say exercise can help relieve stress, and I am trying to get that back on track after having 2 major chest colds in the last 4 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions on any other coping strategies? My motivation has been pretty much nonexistent for the last while and I am not sure how to get it back.

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    When I'm stressed if I can't run, (So good for clearing my head) I run some bath water, light some candles turn on some relaxing tunes...OH I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ALREADY!
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapy, a program based in meditation that can help you destress, and decouple emotional eating from stress response. Check out a book called Full Catastrophe Living in your local library, or the book MP3 on iTunes. It is an invaluable skill to develop.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Deep breathing. Sounds kinda dumb, and maybe too simple, but so many people forget the power of energizing breathing. Go outside or somewhere nice, or light a candle. Just close your eyes and breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. It does wonders for me. Also, hobbies! Preferably ones that make use of your hands! I prefer knitting and crocheting, because then I have something neat to show for it. Drawing is also good, writing in a journal, emailing friends. Turn the stress you are feeling into something good. And when you do feel better, walking is an awesome reliever of stress. Just a stroll. Don't worry about how many calories you are burning. Just enjoy the outdoors, take in some scenery. Hope that helps!
  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    Yikes, that's a hard one for me too.

    I try to talk myself down from stress eating, remind myself why I'm doing this and what the goal is, and what I've achieved so far.

    I also try to swap out the junk for healthy stuff (like carrots with a 100 cal pack of guacamole), or portion control the junk.
  • zakku1
    zakku1 Posts: 32
    Also, yoga! I always feel goofy when the guy on the yoga videos in hulu tells me to feel my stress falling away like leaves but I feel really relaxed by the end.
  • sparklypoof
    sparklypoof Posts: 9 Member
    to keep me from rummaging in the kitchen, I turn to crafts. I put on some fun music, and focus on knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, sewing, paper stuffs - whatever will keep my hands busy and my mind occupied. sometimes 'll try and learn a new stitch, or sometimes 'll end up cleaning out a whole section of crafty stuffs and re-organizing everything. even just taking 15-30 mins to switch gears and focus on something just for fun, for the sake of creating something, really helps.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Thanks all! Those are some really good ideas. I just need to force myself to get up and do some of them!:laugh:
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