Cardio and weights best way to burn



  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    Ugh........ But running is EASIER... I run because I enjoy it, and it really serves as a stress reducer for me. That, and I eat too much sugar so it is necessary to peel me off the walls lol

    I absolutely HATE strength training/weights. I know they are important- but I am a clutz with the ZERO coordination and the patience of an infant...........

    Its official- I NEED a personal trainer to FORCE me............................................ Any takers?? Sigh.....

    I hated weight training really bad also cuz I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I got a personal trainer that I meet with 3X a week and I LOVE LOVE LOVE him and weight lifting now. If you can afford it, do it. You wont regret it.
  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    Ugh........ But running is EASIER... I run because I enjoy it, and it really serves as a stress reducer for me. That, and I eat too much sugar so it is necessary to peel me off the walls lol

    I absolutely HATE strength training/weights. I know they are important- but I am a clutz with the ZERO coordination and the patience of an infant...........

    Its official- I NEED a personal trainer to FORCE me............................................ Any takers?? Sigh.....

    I used to think the SAME thing, but after I found a good routine I really got into it. I've come to loathe cardio and prefer weight/strength training. Just as you push yourself doing cardio you'll do the same with weights. You just have find a program that works for you.

    same here. i look forward to weights and despise the cardio part now.

    True. I am on a set program where I do
    1 day- Triceps and biceps
    1 day- Back and traps
    1 day- Shoulders and chest
    1 day- Legs
    Then I add in core 2-3 times a week on top of it... I was doing alot of cardio on the side but my trainer now wants me to do MAX of a half hour of cardio 4 times a week. Nothing more since I dont need to burn additional calories.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I have fun ways to get my card in - tons of options! How do I find something motivating for weights? I know I need to do them, but I don't have a gym membership. Are there fun, easy (not overwhelming) ways to get started?
  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    Quite frankly, and speaking personally, I am the wrong side of 50 and I'd like to live until I'm at least 80 so I can see my grand-children grow up. I don't want to be a parody. I want to have a body that works efficiently and with as little medical intervention and pill-popping as possible (I'm in the UK, so I don't have to pay for this ... at the moment!).

    I lifted weights in my younger years but let's face it, life is too short! There should be no argument cardio v weights. We are all different in physio and what suits one does not necessarily suit another. Stop making people feel inadequate if they don't wish to lift weights and just want to enjoy running. Enjoy your own life ... it's the only one you have.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    Hi everyone, I'm new to fitness pal. Currently, i do workout videos at home by the firm. I love them. They combine cardio and weight training. I also belong to a yoga studio and do intense yoga workouts 3-4 times a week to help build my core. my question i have is, I am building muscle, everything is toning up, but my scale hasnt budged.... is this normal? I'm not too worried because i can tell my body is getting stronger and looking better than it has in a long time. I just want to know if anyone else's opinions on this :) My diet consists of low carb and suger/ higher protein.
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    Good article
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    Is this on a blog or website? Where can we read more?