Medical Weight Loss Supplement Substitutes? New Here!

I started on MWL 5 months before my wedding last year and lost 70 lbs. I didn't continue with the maintenance and my wife got pregnant so unfortunately I put it all back on in a year. I still have the meal plan but I don't know what I can substitute for the MWL supplements. With the new baby I cannot afford to buy those expensive supplements. Does anybody know what I can use as a substitute?


  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Premade Protein Shakes are available but powdered versions are less expensive. For pre-made shakes Premier (Costco) and Pure protein (Target) are both good and for powder Jay Robb (Vitamin Shoppe/GNC) and Pure Protein (Walmart) are popular. I believe a few have tried the Unjury (Internet) with positive feedback but I don't know the cost.

    Just look at the amount of protein per serving to make sure you are getting a min of 25grams, otherwise keep looking.

    Good Luck, you did it once, you can do it again!
  • stepherjensen
    stepherjensen Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there, and welcome.

    My mum and dad went for a consult at Herbal Magic and because of some pre-existing health concerns with my father involving a blood clotting disorder, they were able to take the list of supplements that they wanted him to take to their doctor and keep it! They don't ever give the info out - lucky us!

    The main ones that they wanted my parents to take were as follows:

    Co-enzyme Q-10 (available at Wal-Mart in Canada for 12.00/bottle of 100 pills -one a day with food containing fats - helps them absorb)
    Chromium (available at Wal-Mart in Canada for $4.00/bottle of 100 pills)

    I've also been taking a Vitamin B-75 Complex, vitamin D and Fish Oil.

    Definitely check with your doctor before you take anything!

    Hope this helps!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    How about substituting a healthy diet with no supplements and add exercise?
  • loutsu99
    loutsu99 Posts: 5
    Well part of what made it success...along with the healthy diet and exercise...were the supplements because whatever they were (seems like protein) it helped curb your appetite between meals.
  • loutsu99
    loutsu99 Posts: 5
    Yeah protein shakes were what I thanks