New and needs all the help I can get!

Sgoober04 Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! My name is Stephanie I turn 30 in June and my goal is to lose 60 pounds total. By October I hope to lose at least 35 pounds. I'm diabetic and basically my doctor is giving me three months to get my sugar under control or he's putting me on insulin :-/ I do the cooking for my family so recipe ideas are great. And sometimes when I'm down I just need someone else to vent to that isn't bias.


  • Sent you a friend request.
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    I'll send you a friend request!
  • Sent you a friend request!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Friend request sent! Welcome! :smile:
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    Sending you one too! Welcome =)
  • awright278
    awright278 Posts: 12
    I sent you a friend request! Good luck on your weight loss goals!!
  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    Im here to talk and u can send me a friend req if u want :o)
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome (and I as well, have sent you a friend request)! All I can say is take things one day at a time. I sometimes get in the mode, then go all the way off. I think the thing that’s motivating me the most is my ex-boyfriend girlfriend called me fat. She couldn’t say anything else about me, other than I was fat. I want to lose this weight also because my mother is a diabetic, and I don’t want that. Stay encouraged, and we will help you as well.
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