On day four

Hi there, I'm new here. Can't believe my baby is almost 15 months old and I still haven't lost the weight. Everyone said it would, "Fall off" if I breastfed. I was too hungry!
So, here I am, 157 lbs at 5'5". Ultimate goal is 135, but I'll take anything lower than 150 at this point.
Thanks everyone!


  • xkarlax
    xkarlax Posts: 36 Member
    lol totally relate to this post! my baby is nearly a year, i breastfed and lost the wieght quite quickly as soon as i stopped i couldnt stop eating :/ ooppsss im 5'2 and 165lbs now
    good luck
  • suedib4
    suedib4 Posts: 3
    I was lucky....the weight did fall right off for me while breastfeeding. The problem was when I stopped nursing and was so accustomed to consuming alot more calories. I too am 5'5" and weighed about 150 lbs. when I started MFP in April 2011 with a friend. Now my friend has lost about 7 lbs. without exercising....and I have only lost about 1.5 lbs. with exercise at least 3 days a week! I'm trying not to get discouraged but a little visual feedback on the scale would be nice. I have noticed that I don't feel like I'm starving on the 1200 calories a day anymore. And I have reduced the amount of carbs and increased the protein. Good luck.