On week two

My doctor recommended that I use this site to lose weight and get better control of my diabetes. So far I am really excited to see how this works. It's been a good first week, but am still having a hard time getting motivated to get off of the couch and work out. Taking one day at a time and hopefully will keep at it to see the results and feel good again.


  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    try clicking on the community tab and join a challange! most of us weigh in weeky, post our progress and goals for the week and compete who loses the most! what better way! :)
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    welcome to MFP! i've only been on a few weeks, but i LOVE this site! the people here are awesome too, :bigsmile:
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    Welcome! It is always nice to have support of people who are trying to be more healthy! Add a ton of friends and motivate eachother!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    It will get easier and this is a great site. And now I know how to find the challenges! Yay!
  • bluebelle00
    bluebelle00 Posts: 44
    I've only been on here about 3 weeks now, and I felt the same way. It is slowly getting easier to be motivated to exercise, mostly because I know I'll be able to eat more if I do! :) Also, doing the same exercises a few days a week will build up your endurance, so you can progressively do them longer.
  • destinationparadise
    I know how you feel about needing to get off the couch. I joined a challange group yesterday and instead of going home and laying on the couch all evening I spent the evening exercising. Joining a challange group really has me motivated.