hello has anybody tried the 17 day diet

i have been on this diet for all of 3 days, I have noticed already that I feel a lot better in myself as I am sensitive to wheat , has anyone else tried it


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    No but my mom was just talking about this the other day!! She knows a guy that did it and lost 50lbs... I would love to hear what others have to say....
  • LeeKeplar
    LeeKeplar Posts: 40 Member
    What is the 17 day diet. Where can I find it.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    it's a book but it has it's own website 17daydiet.com and there are lots of pages online that tell you the basic plan. you can get a nook book for 2.99 written by a group of nurses that did the plan, it's very short and quickly summarizes what to do along with a list of foods.
    it's really not that hard, I did a very loose version of it and lost my first 8 pounds but have since started to just count calories and find my own balance.
    my neighbor is doing it and has lost 32 pounds and she is on the third round of it (it's four rounds of 17 days)
    it combines a lot of dieting techniques from what i understand
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member

    try here lots of people on the 17 day diet lots of sucess.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Ok I went out last night and bought the book. I am planning on starting it on Monday. I need to shed some lbs! I have lost my focus!!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Ok I went out last night and bought the book. I am planning on starting it on Monday. I need to shed some lbs! I have lost my focus!!
  • LeeKeplar
    LeeKeplar Posts: 40 Member
    thank you for the info. I will check out the website. thanks again
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    I'm on day 11 of Cycle 1 and feel great. I have lost 7 lbs so far, but probably even more (I will weigh myself tomorrow). I recommend it to anyone interested in an easy-to-follow plan because I am so excited about my results so far. :wink:
  • kathvg
    kathvg Posts: 68
    i started the diet on sunday may 1st (so am on day 13 of 1st cycle) and have lost about 6 lbs thus far...my gf started it on jan 3rd and is down just over 40 LBs (has about 15 left to get to her goal weight). am feeling great and very optimistic about being able to get to my GW using it.
    i haven't read past the cycle 1 info as she had just copied those pages for me out of her book to get me going...i have since gotten my own copy so will be reading up on it this weekend.
    am really looking forward to seeing how my body responds to the other cycles...
    good luck to you all!