Losing weight, but looking the same!!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    i think it is alot harder to notice differences in ourselves because we see ourselves in the mirror everyday. its like looking back at pictures of yourself really young, yes you've grown and gotten older and taller but the process was so gradual you didnt really notice it until photo comparison made is so obvious!

    sometimes its an esteem issue. ive lost about 45 pounds now (on a good day anyway :tongue: ), and sometimes i really feel no different. my belly looks just as wobbly and lumpy and my thighs just as big to me as they did before, tho i know, rationally, that they are smaller as i feel the difference in clothes, and my parents compliment me on my loss quite often.

    we are our own biggest critics!
  • evaleung87