Never Full!!

StacieE Posts: 7
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I am trying...I really am. I want to lose weight and I have in the past and I know what it feels like. It's great!!! I know there is a smaller person in here somewhere.

The problem is...I am rarely ever full or I don't stay full. I also have food allergies so it makes it really expensive to eat right. I am allergic to Soy, Wheat, Dairy, Eggs.

Sometimes I just want to give up but I want to feel better so much. Any encouragement?



  • StacieE
    StacieE Posts: 7
    I am trying...I really am. I want to lose weight and I have in the past and I know what it feels like. It's great!!! I know there is a smaller person in here somewhere.

    The problem is...I am rarely ever full or I don't stay full. I also have food allergies so it makes it really expensive to eat right. I am allergic to Soy, Wheat, Dairy, Eggs.

    Sometimes I just want to give up but I want to feel better so much. Any encouragement?

  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I found that as time went on and I got used to smaller meals more often, I was fuller longer. In addition, as I saw the calories add up every day, I made healthier and healthier choices that kept me fuller longer.

    Just my experience. But when I started, I had the same problem.
  • cre13
    cre13 Posts: 68
    I have also found eating small snacks in between meals help me with my hunger. I've only been doing this for about 10 or 11 days and I used to stay hungry. Now I feel pretty satisfied most of the day. The only time I begin to get hungry is right about when it's time to eat again. I also carry a water bottle with me so that helps my belly "feel" full in between snacks and meals.


  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    A lot depends on what you eat. Example: Tyson's grilled chicken strips are only 200 calories for a whole package. Fourteen Chiquita apple slices are only 70. You can eat large portions of good stuff and not go over.
  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    wow, you have alot of allergies....but I agree with others, are you eating 6 times a day????
    and try like popcorn that is a good filler....Zoe
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Yes, try to eat foods that will keep you satisfied. Anything that is considered an "empty" calorie is that for a reason. There just isn't any nutritional value and will do nothing to keep you full.

    Try lean protein, fruits, veggies! There are a lot of veggies that have a lot of fiber in them and will satisfy you longer. Bananas and peanut butter is a greart combo of protein and potassium to fuel you.

    It has to be hard with your allergies but just read labels of things you can eat and make sure you get enough protein and fiber as well as plenty of water. The combination should help you feeling satisfied in no time!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, but if you stick with it within a couple of weeks your stomach will shrink and you will get more satisfied. You need to make sure that you are eating all of your protein (it's okay to go over a little) it really makes you feel full and satisfied. Also lite soups often go along way in making you feel full. Bulk is good too so more is better with the vegetables.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I feel you...when I first started, I was hungry all the time. I still get hungry, but not all the time. I drink lots of water, and make sure I eat foods that I know will keep me full. It took a few weeks to find out what works for me. For example, I know that cereal and yogurt do not work for me, not even as a snack. Coucous and veggies-especially veggies keep me from getting hungry quickly after a meal. Salads need to have plenty of veggies to be a meal.

    The other half of the battle was I am just used to eating: when I am bored, upset, reading, watching TV, not feeling well, as a reward, or just because its there and I really love food, ect..

    As with the other posters, I agree, you need to drink plenty of water, make sure diet has adequate fiber, and make sure you are eating 6 small meals.

    Good Luck
  • StacieE
    StacieE Posts: 7
    I appreciate everyone's input. This makes it feel like I am not alone. Yay! :smile: I feel like I eat all day. Popcorn is a WONDERFUL snack and is indeed very filling. Water is hard for me but I am trying to drink more and more. My husband and I have a fruit smoothie in the morning with Rice Protein powder in it. Any further ideas on how to make it more filling? Keeping in mind that we share this shake, it's 2 bananas, rice milk, rice powder, honey, and frozen fruits (cherries, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, etc).

    I will try to do better on the 6 time a day eating habit. Does anyone know if it's better to schedule those 6 times or just when you feel hunger?

  • stacystar
    stacystar Posts: 175 Member
    Beans (legums types) fill you up--are good for taking the garbage out of the body, great for lower the bad chol-levels. And if you put them in a smoothie, you can add more fiber right there (great northern beans or aduki beans work best in the smoothie)
  • I've been feeling like that. I've had tons to do to keep my mind off it though with this being the first week of classes for me. I kept carrots and celery near me so I could nibble when I was reading; that seemed to help me a bit. I try to keep my glass full of water or tea.
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