Why is water so important?

Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
ok so let me say rite off that I'm new to this diet thing and verry new to drinking water everyday. Im in day 4 and I still can only drink 4-5 cups of water a day. I'm just so used to drinking soda it's hard to trade it in for plain o'l water. So here's my question,why do I need to drink 64oz of water a day? Thanks in advance for replying :)


  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Yes! You need to drinks lots of water! Try adding sliced lemons to a big jug of water, it tastes really refreshing :happy:
  • Bcsgirl
    Bcsgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Crystal light or the Walmart brand water additives help alot.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    you dont.
  • KLaurean
    KLaurean Posts: 112
    Water does so many good things for you.
    gives you healthy skin, hair, and nails.
    flushes out all of the toxins in your body.
    keeps your organs healthy.
    and keeps you full in between meals (I've heard a portion of hunger pains are actually caused by dehydration)
    Also, when working out, if you sweat a lot you lose a lot of water and that water must be replenished to keep you staying healthy.

    sorry, I love water waaaaay too much.
  • Read up on it. Whenever I wonder, because I have trust issues with strangers posting on the internet, I research. :smile:
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    Water helps to make you feel fuller. It's recommended that you drink a glass or two before you eat to help you from over-eating.
  • jmafte
    jmafte Posts: 46
    I have always consumed massive amounts of water, so when i got on the track of losing weight, it was easy for me. A dietitian/person trainer told me once, "water is everything and it is nothing" Your body is mostly made up of water, and it also can help act as a filler. This is a good article on water and why it's important to losing weight: http://www.caloriesperhour.com/tutorial_water.php
  • Water does so many good things for you.
    gives you healthy skin, hair, and nails.
    flushes out all of the toxins in your body.
    keeps your organs healthy.
    and keeps you full in between meals (I've heard a portion of hunger pains are actually caused by dehydration)
    Also, when working out, if you sweat a lot you lose a lot of water and that water must be replenished to keep you staying healthy.

    sorry, I love water waaaaay too much.

    And if that isn't ebough to convince ya it also makes all of your fluids such as sweat actually smell less intense. Yea its gross but soooooo awesome ^.^
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    keeps you full, flushes your insides, if you workout it also flushed out the fat through urine more efficiently.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Well I'd say you are probably drinking that much of some beverage. It's just about changing to healthier habits and if you are drinking soda or sugared beverages, you are using up a lot of empty calories. Water helps flush toxins from other bodies and there are many other important reasons. I read it also gives you a healthier complextion. Chug a lug lots of H20 and trim your waistline. Try adding lemon slices, lime, cucumber, orange slices and also there are some really good drink mixes. The true lemon is all natural sweetened with stevia and crystal light pure which is sweetened with sugar and truvia. I would avoid artifical sugars though....not good for you. Keep drinking water until it becomes a good habit and then you will crave it! Good luck:)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Crystal light or the Walmart brand water additives help alot.

    This is my secret to drinking the water... liter water bottle + packet of walmart drink mix = plenty of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    **just remember to log the packets since they do have some calories in them (only 10 for walmart brand)
  • steffiluwho
    steffiluwho Posts: 20 Member
    all of the above, it flushes the toxins out of your liver-- you should aim to drink 1/2 your weight in ounce of water per day.((( so if you weigh 180, you should drink 90oz of water a day.))) i have a favorite cup i drink water from, that helps me.. i drink a bottle of water in the morning before i do anything, that 2 cups right to start the day...gives your metabolism a bump also by doing that. I drink most of my water at room temperature, i find it difficult to drink water if i drink it cold unless its super hot outside...best wishes
  • steffiluwho
    steffiluwho Posts: 20 Member
    beware artificial sweeteners. they confuse your liver,and have negative effects on your metabolism..
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    blueeyedtraveler, I was going to be sarcastic with the introduction to my reply, but my girlfriend pulled my ears lol. So here's my answer.

    Is because it is well known that around 60% of our bodies is made of water. But let's skip that and make you understand how important is water with a few real life examples.

    1- If you grab a steak, and throw it under the sun, the meat dries up. Now, what happens to the meat after is dry? It becomes hard, it won't stretch, it won't be flexible. Now thing about your muscles as that piece of steak. If you don't drink enough water, your muscles won't function properly because of lack of water.

    2- Water helps filter your system. If you have a set of pipes, all connected, what do you think will clean any dust there might be in them? You guessed right, water. So every time you go pee, you're basically cleaning up your system and keeping your kidneys healthy.

    3- Do you think water helps to cook certain foods? Yes it does. Well, water helps with metabolism, which means it will help you burn body fat specially now that you're doing a diet and probably working out.

    4- Did you know Soda is one of the main reasons why people become diabetic because of the excess amount of glucose (sugar) they have? Oh, and by the way, water doesn't have sugar, so it doesn't cause or help cause diabetes.

    5- Also, have you heard had much noise a door hinge makes when is not lubricated? It also gets kind of rusty, right? Well, think of your joint as hinges and water as the lubricant, so basically your joints won't make noise, but they will hurt and eventually give you problems.

    Anyway, these are just a few of the things related to water that can give you an idea of how important it is.
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Wow guys! Thanks for all the facts,I won't go into detail but this explains a lot. My body has been going through a lot of changes just in 4 days! Oh and I'd like to add that I'm on day 4 or NO SODA!! all week ita been water and lemonaid! Friday I'm going to even get splenda and see if my family notices lol
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    blueeyedtraveler, I was going to be sarcastic with the introduction to my reply, but my girlfriend pulled my ears lol. So here's my answer.

    Is because it is well known that around 60% of our bodies is made of water. But let's skip that and make you understand how important is water with a few real life examples.

    1- If you grab a steak, and throw it under the sun, the meat dries up. Now, what happens to the meat after is dry? It becomes hard, it won't stretch, it won't be flexible. Now thing about your muscles as that piece of steak. If you don't drink enough water, your muscles won't function properly because of lack of water.

    2- Water helps filter your system. If you have a set of pipes, all connected, what do you think will clean any dust there might be in them? You guessed right, water. So every time you go pee, you're basically cleaning up your system and keeping your kidneys healthy.

    3- Do you think water helps to cook certain foods? Yes it does. Well, water helps with metabolism, which means it will help you burn body fat specially now that you're doing a diet and probably working out.

    4- Did you know Soda is one of the main reasons why people become diabetic because of the excess amount of glucose (sugar) they have? Oh, and by the way, water doesn't have sugar, so it doesn't cause or help cause diabetes.

    5- Also, have you heard had much noise a door hinge makes when is not lubricated? It also gets kind of rusty, right? Well, think of your joint as hinges and water as the lubricant, so basically your joints won't make noise, but they will hurt and eventually give you problems.

    Anyway, these are just a few of the things related to water that can give you an idea of how important it is.

    Best answer yet. Also if you want this to be a lifestyle change and no a "diet' which is a temporary thing in mind. Try not to get hooked on water additives. As you (hopefully) cut out processed foods and such your body will stop craving sugar quite so much. You will actually begin to appreciate and actually crave water. I may add lemons or limes to my water, but other than that i drink it straight. I've read that it may take as long as 12 weeks to transform your palette so give it time.
  • ZombiePaulaDeen
    ZombiePaulaDeen Posts: 5 Member
    There's no reason to drink more water than you need to sate your thirst unless you really enjoy going to the bathroom.

    People probably like thinking that it works because it's really easy to do. But then they go and drink 64oz of artificially sweetened beverage every day to get "enough" water and manage to turn it from something pointless but benign into something harmful.
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