Any HOT (as in flashes) menopausal mama's out here with me?



  • laydeeworeblak
    Yes! I'm 44 years old and started hitting menopause about a year and a half ago. I am not overweight but I notice that my gut is a little flabby. I have always been a petite person and would like to stay that way. I am on the hormone cream but don't use it like I should. Those hot flashes are a killer!
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there... I am in Alabama and suffering from both the heat of the sun and my own personal summer. Add me if you like.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Oh yeah, I hear you! And just because we are menopausal does not mean we cannot make this happen. I do think it makes it happen slower, but it can happen! Winter is great to have your own personal heater; summer not so much.
  • shuttlebug1
    shuttlebug1 Posts: 41 Member
    My biggest challenge is exercise. Any exertion brings on a hot flash, especially in warm weather. I'm not sure what to do about that!