confused about hrm...

Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
Okay so I just got my HRM today (Oregon Scientific) and I tried it tonight...I set the settings with my weight (180), height (5'1) and age (34)...smacked on the chest strap and headed out to the gym and jumped on the threadmill for 60min (jogging in between), speed 5.7 - 6.9 and according to the threadmil, I walked/ran 4.25miles...after the threadmil, I danced for about 20min and then stretched and did some crunches...after all that sweating and panting my hrm tells me i only burned 219kcals...does that sound somewhat accurate to anyone..?


  • sbear867
    sbear867 Posts: 249 Member
    not at all!
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    I figured cuz I tell you I was sweating like I havent in a long time..!
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Doesn't sound right at all!
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    Dang, and i just spent $50 bucks on this thing...maybe, i didnt do the settings right...:frown:
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 and find that I am burning about 100 cals/10 mins at high intensity. Go back through the user's manual and make sure you set everything right. Did you wet the cheststrap before you put it on?
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    The electric current from the treadmill might have interfere with your HRM.
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    yes, i not flat chested so where exactly does the hrm strap go..? would that make a diference..? maybe i didnt position it correctly...
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    I have a Oregon Scientific HRM (got it for a Christmas present) and I have found out that you get what you paid for. I spend about $50.00 for this one and the HRM is not accurate at all. When I first started using the HRM, everything seem to work just fine, but in the last 2 months after some great workouts my calorie burn was very low. There is one workout that I use a kettle bell to workout with for 20 minutes, but the HRM only stated that I burned 15 total calories. My advise to you is that if you can return please do so. I wish that I could return the one I got, but I bought this before Christmas. I plan on getting a Polar FT7 HRM (this may cost more) but from reading everyone on MFP, this one works great. I know that I need a accurate HRM so I know how many calories I burned.
    I hope this helps................)
  • Thexplodingirl
    One time I accidentally put it on upside down and realized yes, it DOES make a difference when it told me my heart rate was 70 when it is usually 143 while walking, then I just put in what mfp said
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    I don't think this is your problem, but just a little heads up.....the more fit you become, the less you will burn for the same workouts.

    It's about raising your heart rate into the higher zones.

    HRMs are designed to track aerobic exercise.

    Azdak's blog is informative:

    That said, it sounds like some other issue was going on with your HRM.
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you guys for all of your helpful responses...I guess i'll just return it ASAP and save a little more for that Polar one that everyone talks about here on MFP... :flowerforyou: