Rant / help needed...

Hi all,
This is the first time I've started a post!

I'm fed up and am after some sympathy or better still some advice...

I joined MFP in January at the top end of 'overweight' BMI and have lost 20 lbs steadily (1-2 lbs a week). But for the last month I think I have only dropped one pound and I'm fed up and wondering why!

Am I eating too much? I don't really think so because on days where I eat too much (like last Saturday) I tend to go a bit under to make up for it during the week. This has worked for me since January and I look at the weekly intake on my app and end up about right.

Am I eating too little? I don't think so because while I do go under some days I also have days where I go over.

Not doing enough exercise? I walk my children to school most days, I go to the gym once a week and I am on week 3 of C25K.

Am I getting close to my goal so it's slowed down? I don't really think that either because my goal is quite high....I'm 5'3 and I want to get to 135 which is high end of 'healthy' BMI and higher than most people who comment on '5'3 threads'!

I'm 144 at the moment. Or 145 this morning actually. :grumble: :cry:

My friends are all reporting losses and I feel like crying rather than congratulating them :blushing: ....bad friend.

I will open my diary for a today only showing!!

Any ideas very welcomed....


  • melbradis
    melbradis Posts: 1
    Congrats on the 20lbs!! I only joined MFP yesterday, so here goes nothing!!

    Um, mum had a similar thing - she put it down to muscle development as she got fitter - since muscle weighs more than fat - you're still losing weight but gaining muscle, so the mass doesn't change but your body is using itself better.

    Thats my theory, anyway! Hope it provides some food for thought... Sounds like you've made great progress, congrats!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I would suggest tracking your sodium and your water. You may not be getting enough water in general or retaining water due to high sodium levels.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Hi, first id like to say that i dont think there is one person on here that hasnt gone through the odd week of inexplicable weight gain during a long period of weight loss so we all empathise!!! I recently went on a cruise, only 5 days, i ran every day in the ships gym, and always ate under my calorie goal. I put on 3 pounds!!! I was missing the glass of wine with dinner, and the small glass of port after!! Insignificant amounts but enough to not only halt the weight loss but actually reverse it. Im sure it is just a blip and should not give you loads of stress.

    It is true that once your body reaches a stage where it thinks its healthy, it gets more difficult to lose weight, its your body protecting itself. Youre doing great, chin up and carry on what youre doing. Add me if you like, im more than happy to keep in touch
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    I have been on here since February. I try and keep within my calories and go to the gym once a day for a minimum of 30 minutes. As yet I have not lost any weight, in fact since I started I have put on 3lbs. I have spoken to a collegue who is what I call a fitness fenatic and he suggested it was because I have stopped varying what I do in the gym and I have got into a comfortable "routine" rather than continuing to push myself that little harder each week. My aim is now to change what I do in the gym weekly and increase the difficulty level each day slightly and see what happens then.

    The body does plateau, but its finding that little extra bit that "should" help. Two years ago I started trying to loose weight for my wedding last year, when I plateau'd I made the decision that that was the size and shape my body wanted to be. I knew I should keep going but after 3 months of no change and no one to ask I just gave up.

    A year on and I am back trying to loose weight but this time with MFP. On here there is a massive support network and so many people prepared to advise and share their stories. I find it a great support and hope that you will too.
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    How much water do you drink? I've had the same problem recently. I have been on weight watchers since January, losing steadily every week then all of a sudden it stopped.
    This week I have swapped to tracking my food intake on this site and started to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day. I've had a sneaky peak on the scales this morning and somehow lost 4lb.
    I haven't changed my diet so the water has to have something to do with it. My husband has been advising me to drink more water for months but I took no notice. Glad I've finally listened to him.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like xx
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    I agree on the mussle v fat. Look at measurements as well as weight. Always a good indicator that you are still doing well.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats on the 20lbs!! I only joined MFP yesterday, so here goes nothing!!

    Um, mum had a similar thing - she put it down to muscle development as she got fitter - since muscle weighs more than fat - you're still losing weight but gaining muscle, so the mass doesn't change but your body is using itself better.

    Thats my theory, anyway! Hope it provides some food for thought... Sounds like you've made great progress, congrats!

    Thanks for your response - I did wonder (hope) it could be that.....as I've been doing C25K but I've also read it takes longer than 3 weeks for muscles to form....not sure!
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I would suggest tracking your sodium and your water. You may not be getting enough water in general or retaining water due to high sodium levels.

    I will definitely have a go at increasing my water intake I think. I do drink water but probably not enough and I don't track it....so I guess it's worth a go. Thank you.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi, first id like to say that i dont think there is one person on here that hasnt gone through the odd week of inexplicable weight gain during a long period of weight loss so we all empathise!!! I recently went on a cruise, only 5 days, i ran every day in the ships gym, and always ate under my calorie goal. I put on 3 pounds!!! I was missing the glass of wine with dinner, and the small glass of port after!! Insignificant amounts but enough to not only halt the weight loss but actually reverse it. Im sure it is just a blip and should not give you loads of stress.

    It is true that once your body reaches a stage where it thinks its healthy, it gets more difficult to lose weight, its your body protecting itself. Youre doing great, chin up and carry on what youre doing. Add me if you like, im more than happy to keep in touch

    Thank you for the lovely reply! You see, this is the kind of thing I find so frustrating! Why would the glass of wine / port make you *gain*? I'd think if you were exercising and eating under cals but just added the wine, it would make you maintain! Hmmmm, so annoying....to easy to put weight on and not to lose it!

    Anyway, nice to have you as a friend, thanks!
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    How much water do you drink? I've had the same problem recently. I have been on weight watchers since January, losing steadily every week then all of a sudden it stopped.
    This week I have swapped to tracking my food intake on this site and started to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day. I've had a sneaky peak on the scales this morning and somehow lost 4lb.
    I haven't changed my diet so the water has to have something to do with it. My husband has been advising me to drink more water for months but I took no notice. Glad I've finally listened to him.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like xx

    I'll try the water thing! Thanks.