So...are eggs good or bad today?



  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for the great feedback and website references. I plan to eat whole eggs in moderation. What I am going to do different is cut out the bacon and slices of buttered butter too...but all things in moderation. It was great to see all the different opinions. Something as simple as eggs can cause confusion in our journey. Suppose exercise helps in those times of excess. Again... Thanks:drinker:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think moderation is the key, Enjoy.

  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Eggs=good, cholesterol=bad. When I make eggs, I use 1 whole egg plus 3 egg whites. It makes a large, filling meal without the high cholesterol of all those yolks. Add some mushrooms, spinach or pepper, a wedge of Laughing Cow Light Swiss & you've got a great omelet!:wink:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Eggs are fine, no need to eat just egg whites if you are eating a balanced diet. I try to eat as "clean" as possible and on days when I go to the gym I eat 1 or 2 eggs with some veggies for breakfast. Both my doctor and naturalpath have confirmed they are fine and a good source of protein.