Hi All.....I have too many start and restart days!!

I have been on here off and on..this is what i have been doing, doing ok for a week or so, i get burnt out or too tired or too busy and dont log!!! When I dont log I dont diet..simple. Why do I do this...anyone have the same issues? I do love this site though, its easy to use and i have it on my phone...lol no excuse for me huh. so anyways, anyone out there that cant seem to be committed 100% let me know! I am trying again today, I just thought I would go a step further and say Hi to all...a little more committed!!


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have been the same way. WIth trying to recover from medical stuff and a sick family. I started getting serious about it yesterday so here is to day two of staying under my calories. My situation is I dont have exercise to fall back on I am limited to walking right now. Good luck dear!
  • numi79
    numi79 Posts: 13
    Hey Caryn,

    It is super hard to stay on track and I have done the on and off again thing quite a bit in my life with eating right but I think something that might be worth a try is tracking no matter if you've had a good day OR bad day... if anything it will keep you more aware of what's going in your mouth. When I make a promise to myself to write down (type) what I eat no matter what, I know that I eat less because after I splurge on lunch and see how many calories I took in, I'm more likely to do better at dinner because I'm aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. Let's face it, we can't be perfect every single day but we can be aware and accountable and in the end it's better.

    Good luck and welcome back, you can do it! :)

  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I do the same thing, except with start and stop months rather than days :S I even have the most trival reasons (excuses?) for doing it. I installed the app on my iPod, but because I had to log onto WiFi to use it, I wasn't logging when I was out and about (I eat out a lot so big problem for me), I've just installed it on my Blackberry so I'm hoping that'll help me keep logging each day. I think I should seek out individuals that'll kick me up the butt a bit if I miss a day :laugh:
  • fancythis
    fancythis Posts: 20
    I totally do that. I just went through a few day slump of not logging and not eating so great. I got busy, and yada yada yada. Sometimes it happens, and it has to be a slow change if it's going to be a change that sticks. Dont' beat yourself up too much, just recognize that you do it, try to make better choices when you do, and tomorrow is a new day. :-)
  • kandyland86
    kandyland86 Posts: 34
    if i know that i have to work the next day i log the night before ... i decide then and there what i am going to eat and then i pack it! ... if its not with me i cant eat it simple as that! ... its helped me this week! ... im no expert as im on and off again dieter too! ... but that was my problem before too~! GL:flowerforyou:
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    I was the same way for a couple of years. Just keep trying till it clicks. and it WILL click. I love success stories. They keep me going. The ones on here are great! I even google and youtube success stories. Not only is it awesome to see everyone's transformation, but I have also came across many great tips from their stories. Hope this helps. At least you took a big step to reach out for help. That has got to mean something, right? :)
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    If all it takes to stick to it is to log, then MAKE THE TIME! Remember that you are important too, and you need to make yourself a priority. If it means that you need to take the ten minutes or so to log everything, then do it! Aren't you worth it?
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    you have to set small goals for youself that will make you want to stay with,,, the hardest part is the beginning when you changes are more inner than outer,,, once you start seeing outer changes and weight coming off it's a little easier to stay committed in the beginning it is sooo hard,, but i'm here to tell you that if you can stick it out your rewards will come ten fold...

    Good Luck..
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    I hear ya!!! I'm restarting AGAIN this week. Last summer I was really commited and logged on everyday (well, every weekday)... but it DOES WORK. and when I don't log, I get very careless about my diet.... just like you. Why do we do this to ourselves????
    One way I'm trying to look at it is.... I should never be too busy for my health. My health should be top priority. And, like you said, this site is very easy and convenient and there's no excuse not to do it.

    Good luck!!!
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    Just a suggestion...instead of starting and restarting, just continue. This isn't a diet for me, it's a lifestyle change and it took me 39 years to get here so it's not going to change overnight! I have good days and bad days but I tell myself that this is something that is going to affect me for the rest of my life. I don't try to put on the pressure of being "good" until I reach a certain weight, I just keep it going and hope that eventually it will click and just be who I am.

    Good luck darlin!!!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Caryn,

    It is super hard to stay on track and I have done the on and off again thing quite a bit in my life with eating right but I think something that might be worth a try is tracking no matter if you've had a good day OR bad day... if anything it will keep you more aware of what's going in your mouth. When I make a promise to myself to write down (type) what I eat no matter what, I know that I eat less because after I splurge on lunch and see how many calories I took in, I'm more likely to do better at dinner because I'm aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. Let's face it, we can't be perfect every single day but we can be aware and accountable and in the end it's better.

    Good luck and welcome back, you can do it! :)


    Greeat idea! I tend not to track on bad day. I suppose I don't want to see the truth of it! lol