Success With Wii Fit?



  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I lost 12# the first couple of months I did WiiFit Plus. That was last year. I gained it all back after I quit using the program. This time around, I still workout with the programs but not as much. I LOVE the fact I can run or do step aerobics while watching TV! I'm not crazy about the yoga because to me it focuses more on balance than on technique. It is hard for me to balance on the balance board while doing single leg poses. I do much better on the ground. I do like the strength moves though. My planks are much more stable after all of the time I put in challenging the instructor. The Wii pose uses your forearms but my straight arm planks still got stronger. I also do the boxing and the karate for cardio. I like the parade game too.

    My favorite part is actually the "humor" the board has. I added profiles of my pets so I could see them in the games with me. The board asked me if I wanted to throw a surprise party for my kitten when he turned 1 last week! What was I supposed to do...invite every cat in the neighborhood over and make some sort of a liver cake??? :laugh:

    You kitten looks a little like mine. He's very cute! Mine's about 4 now, not sure when she was actually born as picked her up from a shelter. She's managed to have a kitten before long (big mistake accidentally leaving a window open in my living room while popping to my sisters house) I found a big black tomcat in the house and soon after she had 3 kittens. She WAS a house cat!
    Soon after I got her done and kept the fluffiest kitten so now have a mum and a baby. :)
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I love wii fit! I do the island biking, which is pretty much jogging in place, hula hoop, and step mostly. you can get a workout, or I do the step and then switch the tv to a program and just watch while I step. I also like just dance for the wii, talk about sweaty! I decided to do a song or two while my husband napped and before I knew it an hour had gone by! I am horrible at it, my scores were so low, but it was fun and sweaty! Wii is a great way to excercise, so many active games, and handy when you don't belong to a gym and live in an area with long brutal winter and lots of rain in the summer, like me.
  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    i'd say its worth getting a balance board step up if you do the step exercises regularly, really pushes your workout up a bit burning them extra cals!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Yeah I think when I'm ready to I'll buy the little additions and start working out on Wii Fit before joining the gym.
  • zzjunk
    zzjunk Posts: 1
    I know this is an old topic but after nearly 2 years of using the wii fit, this is how things have turned out for me and the other half :

    She has gone from dress size 14/16 to dress size 10/12 - lost 2 stone and looks fantastic. She does about an hour most days, mainly the aerobic exercises (jogging, steps, rhythm boxing, hula hoop) but uses extra wrist weights and the wwii fit board placed on a reebook step.

    I (male) have maintaned my weight - I had gone up to a 34 waist but now I buy either 34 or 32" trousers and am definately fitter. I do the step basic for 20 min with the wii fit board placed up on a Reebok step. I do the 10min Rhythm boxing with 3lb weights on each wrist and variuos muscle/yoga exercises, mainly the press up & side stand and the jacknife (stomach cruch) - I'm not really that keen but I try and do half an hour on most week days.

    So does the Wii Fit work ? - Yes, if you use it as a gym substitue and don't just play the games :)
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    I like the games. I rock at the balance games if I play after I come home from yoga and am "centered" .

    It's not my only form of exercise, but I like it!
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    Of course! Any exercise is good, I absolutely love my wii! There's a great exercise game for the wii called Exerbeat. It's a lot more intense than the wii fit and doesn't require the balance board either. It has aerobics, different dances, karate and yoga etc
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    MEEEEE!!!!! I do jogging and hula hooping and cycling and skateboarding but then I bought ea sports active 2 programme fpr the wii and this is where I saw my best results but I lost my first 28lbs using just wii
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I also lost my first 2 stone purely using the Wii Fit. I would recommend it as a great exercise starting tool.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    i have done the wii yoga- it's actually how i started doing yoga in the first place. it's pretty basic- no contortions or arm balances or anything like that. mostly standing poses and you can always adjust to your ability level. it does measure your balance on the board, which i found can be distracting but helpful in getting you to actually balance. you can pick your own poses and make your own workout up and it will go through the workout without you having to change and pick after every pose.

    all in all i'd say it's a great starting yoga workout and easy enough to do as a beginner without having to have an instructor present. just be very mindful of form so you don't fall over. or use a chair for balance. that works too. :)