Grande Prairie (CANADA) Gals

Hey ladies, there are so many beautiful women in GP i thought if we could all put our ideas and success stories together, we could benefit the whole group. I started this thread so we could talk about where we have come from and where we want to be. I'll go first:

I started out thinking I never wanted to be obsessed about my weight like my mother-in-law ans sister-in-law! Then I realized while they were thinking about their weight in a public and positive way, I want inwardly thinking about how much I hated my body. Time to get off the self-pity track. Lesson #1 - look inside not outside

My husband and I hired a personal trainer and we worked our a@@es off!! I get the whole 5am boot camp thing. 4 months later = Funny how everyone around me was commenting on how good I looked and asking how much weight I lost but I couldn't "hear" them because the number on the scale hadn't changed. Lesson #2 - what is your real goal? How do I want to feel on the inside, versus what I want to look like on the outside?

Enter, a steady job that makes me happy. I am a happier and more confident person so I joined weight watchers with my in-laws! And I lost 17 lbs. WOW! Now how do I get my husband on track? Enter, a health scare! He is turning 30 this year and scared himself real bad with his eating and drinking habits. Since last time we exercised with no diet changes, lets try a little diet control. We hired a registered dietician (covered by both of our jobs) and we are liking the personal diet plans and exercise ideas. Lesson #3 - life changes a little at a time, slow and steady does win the race! We are now a family of bike riders and we love the trails around Grande Prairie!

Please reply to this thread with your life style journey and maybe we can get together for a walk, bike, or even a jog!