Need suggestions on my "vanity" lbs

mislove68 Posts: 240
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so after listening to Jillian Michaels's pod cast from this week I have been thinking alot about it. I weight 130 and I am 5'4" and I am at a heathy weight. But I would like to lose like 5 more. Still trying to reduce little body fat from my trouble areas from having my son a year ago. I joined this site to lose my baby weight and I have plus 5 lbs!

Anyways Jillian said for vanity pounds sholdnt have more then 700 calorie deficit and thats kinda the magic number. I dont eat my exercise calories and currently I am eat 1500 calories a day. I like to go to the gym 3 days a week and do Jillians ripped in 30 video.

So my question is would you workout to burn less calories or do you think I should change my calories up to maintenance?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Ok so after listening to Jillian Michaels's pod cast from this week I have been thinking alot about it. I weight 130 and I am 5'4" and I am at a heathy weight. But I would like to lose like 5 more. Still trying to reduce little body fat from my trouble areas from having my son a year ago. I joined this site to lose my baby weight and I have plus 5 lbs!

    Anyways Jillian said for vanity pounds sholdnt have more then 700 calorie deficit and thats kinda the magic number. I dont eat my exercise calories and currently I am eat 1500 calories a day. I like to go to the gym 3 days a week and do Jillians ripped in 30 video.

    So my question is would you workout to burn less calories or do you think I should change my calories up to maintenance?

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    Im the same way, I have 7-10 lbs and am having a horrible time loosing it! I usually do eat my calories back because Im starving!! Interested to hear what people have to say.
  • start eating healthy k. Also try eating soup and other healthy stuff. If you want a treat than have have 4 hershy kisses. I know you can do it. PS walk or ride a bike around the block.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Ok so after listening to Jillian Michaels's pod cast from this week I have been thinking alot about it. I weight 130 and I am 5'4" and I am at a heathy weight. But I would like to lose like 5 more. Still trying to reduce little body fat from my trouble areas from having my son a year ago. I joined this site to lose my baby weight and I have plus 5 lbs!

    Anyways Jillian said for vanity pounds sholdnt have more then 700 calorie deficit and thats kinda the magic number. I dont eat my exercise calories and currently I am eat 1500 calories a day. I like to go to the gym 3 days a week and do Jillians ripped in 30 video.

    So my question is would you workout to burn less calories or do you think I should change my calories up to maintenance?

    I listened to the same podcast I still have 20lbs to loose but according to her 20,15.10 are considered vanity pounds
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    i already set my goal to .5 a week. But i dont eat calories back. i believe in calories in and calories out.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Ok so after listening to Jillian Michaels's pod cast from this week I have been thinking alot about it. I weight 130 and I am 5'4" and I am at a heathy weight. But I would like to lose like 5 more. Still trying to reduce little body fat from my trouble areas from having my son a year ago. I joined this site to lose my baby weight and I have plus 5 lbs!

    Anyways Jillian said for vanity pounds sholdnt have more then 700 calorie deficit and thats kinda the magic number. I dont eat my exercise calories and currently I am eat 1500 calories a day. I like to go to the gym 3 days a week and do Jillians ripped in 30 video.

    So my question is would you workout to burn less calories or do you think I should change my calories up to maintenance?

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    So I still have 20lbs to loose and I listened to the same podcast and according to her these a considered vanity pounds from 20 and under. So I have my settings set to loose 1lb per week do you think my 500 deficit is too high should I change it to .5lb per week?
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Oh I eat very healthy thats not my problem.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    how tall are you? and whats your 'ideal' weight? Mine is 130 which is where i am at.

    And I am thinking I should revisit my goal. I am little my deficit is already small.
  • jbdowns
    jbdowns Posts: 6
    If "vanity weight" is your concern, I would incorporate extra toning exercises. I love Jillin Micheal's 30-day shread. Her Yoga video is good too. Good luck!
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Couple of things:

    1) No such thing as getting rid of fat in "trouble areas". Fat loss is an all-or-nothing deal.
    2) Lift heavy. You'll change your body composition instead of just losing weight. Most people in fitness - whether they show it off or do it behind the scenes - lift heavy & do light cardio. Not sure what Jillian's ripped in 30 plan is, but it should be preaching that model of fitness.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    how tall are you? and whats your 'ideal' weight? Mine is 130 which is where i am at.

    And I am thinking I should revisit my goal. I am little my deficit is already small.

    I am 5'3 and ideal weight is the same as yours 130 I am currently at 150.8. I have been at this weight for the last couple of months well between 150 and 153 and just cannot get below. So listening to her I though hmm I am doing something wrong just cannot figure out what.

    My settings here are set to loose 1lb per week with a 500 calorie deficit
  • OzPodJen
    OzPodJen Posts: 4 Member
    I listened to the same podcast, and I'm in the same boat. 5' 4", and I'm at 125 lbs, and would like to drop 3-5 more lbs. We're headed to Hawaii in 6 weeks, and I want to rock a swimsuit :).

    One thing I picked up from her podcast as well, was to make sure your electrolytes/nutrition is in order, and change up your workouts. So maybe do a different video on your non-gym days, or go for a hike, ride your bike, etc. On your gym days, maybe take a class that you don't usually do or use some different machines.

    Also, I think a 750 calorie deficit is too high. Shoot for 500 and see if that makes a difference. It's a small change, but it may make a world of difference for you.

    And I'm sure it goes without saying, but drink lots of good quality, filtered water. More than you think you need. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted!!
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Couple of things:

    1) No such thing as getting rid of fat in "trouble areas". Fat loss is an all-or-nothing deal.
    2) Lift heavy. You'll change your body composition instead of just losing weight. Most people in fitness - whether they show it off or do it behind the scenes - lift heavy & do light cardio. Not sure what Jillian's ripped in 30 plan is, but it should be preaching that model of fitness.

    Oh I know i cant spot reduce. Its why I would like to lose 5 lbs. to reduce body fat. I think i said that.
    I do lift heavy 3 times a week at the gym. And Ripped in 30 is a workout video. I lost a bunch of inches doing it. Also my cardio is 45 minutes on the treadmill doing inclines of walk and jog. I dont max out my heart rate at all. Its usually 140-154. Sometimes I do go for a jog at home and just started to ride a bike with my son in a trailer on the back. I usually burn 3k calories a week.
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    i already set my goal to .5 a week. But i dont eat calories back. i believe in calories in and calories out.

    That's not what calories in and calories out means.
    For example, (I'm just using round numbers) if your maintenance calorie level is 2000, that means your calories out just by breathing everyday is 2000, so you should eat 2000 calories to MAINTAIN your weight.
    calories in = calories out
    2000 = 2000
    Now let's say you started exercising everyday and burned 300 calories. now your calories out would be 2300. To maintain weight, you should now be eating 2300.

    So now, if MFP is telling you that in order to lose .5 pounds per week you should be eating 1500 per day, that means they have already calculated your deficit, which would make your calories in (1500) less than your calories out (2000) WITHOUT exercise. (2000).
    So now, if you start exercising 300 calories a day, but still only eat 1500 calories: calories in = 1500, calories out = 2300

    In theory, this should make you lose MORE weight FASTER, because your deficit is bigger, but in reality if your deficit is too much, your body may think you are starving yourself, and your metabolism drops, and you hold on to weight.

    You should be "eating back" some of your exercise calories.
    Does that make sense?
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I listened to the same podcast, and I'm in the same boat. 5' 4", and I'm at 125 lbs, and would like to drop 3-5 more lbs. We're headed to Hawaii in 6 weeks, and I want to rock a swimsuit :).

    One thing I picked up from her podcast as well, was to make sure your electrolytes/nutrition is in order, and change up your workouts. So maybe do a different video on your non-gym days, or go for a hike, ride your bike, etc. On your gym days, maybe take a class that you don't usually do or use some different machines.

    Also, I think a 750 calorie deficit is too high. Shoot for 500 and see if that makes a difference. It's a small change, but it may make a world of difference for you.

    And I'm sure it goes without saying, but drink lots of good quality, filtered water. More than you think you need. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted!!

    yeah I am thinking its to high. And somedays I do more of a workout and then the next day I do less. I guess I just need to come up with a new plan.

    i do drink plenty of water 12-15 cups a day with a splash of lemon.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    i already set my goal to .5 a week. But i dont eat calories back. i believe in calories in and calories out.

    That's not what calories in and calories out means.
    For example, (I'm just using round numbers) if your maintenance calorie level is 2000, that means your calories out just by breathing everyday is 2000, so you should eat 2000 calories to MAINTAIN your weight.
    calories in = calories out
    2000 = 2000
    Now let's say you started exercising everyday and burned 300 calories. now your calories out would be 2300. To maintain weight, you should now be eating 2300.

    So now, if MFP is telling you that in order to lose .5 pounds per week you should be eating 1500 per day, that means they have already calculated your deficit, which would make your calories in (1500) less than your calories out (2000) WITHOUT exercise. (2000).
    So now, if you start exercising 300 calories a day, but still only eat 1500 calories: calories in = 1500, calories out = 2300

    In theory, this should make you lose MORE weight FASTER, because your deficit is bigger, but in reality if your deficit is too much, your body may think you are starving yourself, and your metabolism drops, and you hold on to weight.

    You should be "eating back" some of your exercise calories.
    Does that make sense?

    This. MFP already calculated a deficit for you. When you don't eat your exercise cals, you are making that deficit larger - which does NOT necessarily lead to faster/more weight loss.

    If you're burning 500 through exercise, and have loss/week goal set at 1/2 lb, but don't eat any exercise cals, you've just made your deficit 750.

    You have to burn more than you take in - but you have to consider ALL you burn. BMR + activity level + exercise = total energy expenditure.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    i already set my goal to .5 a week. But i dont eat calories back. i believe in calories in and calories out.

    That's not what calories in and calories out means.
    For example, (I'm just using round numbers) if your maintenance calorie level is 2000, that means your calories out just by breathing everyday is 2000, so you should eat 2000 calories to MAINTAIN your weight.
    calories in = calories out
    2000 = 2000
    Now let's say you started exercising everyday and burned 300 calories. now your calories out would be 2300. To maintain weight, you should now be eating 2300.

    So now, if MFP is telling you that in order to lose .5 pounds per week you should be eating 1500 per day, that means they have already calculated your deficit, which would make your calories in (1500) less than your calories out (2000) WITHOUT exercise. (2000).
    So now, if you start exercising 300 calories a day, but still only eat 1500 calories: calories in = 1500, calories out = 2300

    In theory, this should make you lose MORE weight FASTER, because your deficit is bigger, but in reality if your deficit is too much, your body may think you are starving yourself, and your metabolism drops, and you hold on to weight.

    You should be "eating back" some of your exercise calories.
    Does that make sense?

    in reallity I do eat some back. My maintenance is 1710. And some days its probably really more like 1600. i have my settings at light active because I am a stay at home mom. But some days I am not that active. i eat 1500 calories so yes I consider I have 210 calorie deficit. Its why i changed from eat 1200 calories to 1500 a day. I know i was eating too little. But it was working I was losing 2lbs a week.

    I guess on a workout day off I will just need to wear my HRM a full day and see how many calories I really burn.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    At 130 and 1710/maintenance you have to be at 16% bodyfat. You sure about those numbers? I only ask because this is a woman at 16% bodyfat:

    ...and so is this woman here:

    ...and I'm not seeing it in your jawline or upper arms. Could just be the angle of the pics, or your pics are older. Or your maintenance number is actually much lower than you think.
  • MrsEvers2Be
    MrsEvers2Be Posts: 11

    I would suggest changing your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and make sure you eat your exercise calories. The less you have to lose the smaller your caloric deficit should be.

    i already set my goal to .5 a week. But i dont eat calories back. i believe in calories in and calories out.

    That's not what calories in and calories out means.
    For example, (I'm just using round numbers) if your maintenance calorie level is 2000, that means your calories out just by breathing everyday is 2000, so you should eat 2000 calories to MAINTAIN your weight.
    calories in = calories out
    2000 = 2000
    Now let's say you started exercising everyday and burned 300 calories. now your calories out would be 2300. To maintain weight, you should now be eating 2300.

    So now, if MFP is telling you that in order to lose .5 pounds per week you should be eating 1500 per day, that means they have already calculated your deficit, which would make your calories in (1500) less than your calories out (2000) WITHOUT exercise. (2000).
    So now, if you start exercising 300 calories a day, but still only eat 1500 calories: calories in = 1500, calories out = 2300

    In theory, this should make you lose MORE weight FASTER, because your deficit is bigger, but in reality if your deficit is too much, your body may think you are starving yourself, and your metabolism drops, and you hold on to weight.

    You should be "eating back" some of your exercise calories.
    Does that make sense?

    i just wanted to say that that explanation was very good and i actually understood it. ive been having trouble understanding all this and that helped.
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