35 days...clothes still are SOOO tight. Should I get a BodyB

MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
So it's been 35 days now and I've lost 13lbs. Started at 234 and am at 221. While I know 13lbs isn't enough to drop a pants size, I am so frustrated that they don't even feel a TAD bit looser. I've been at or under my calorie goal of 1200 calories EVERY day except two days (Easter and one other day in the beginning of my journey). I know I need to watch sodium, but otherwise my fat, carbs and cals are very well in line with goal.

So this is where I am. I was going to try and start incorporating some exercise starting this week - light exercise like walking and stuff at first because I am just so out of shape. But in the meantime, does anyone think it might be beneficial to get a bodybugg or a similar device? I mean, sometimes I worry I'm not eating ENOUGH, so pehaps it would help. Any ideas or words of encouragement?

I can't believe it's already summer. I'm notorious for wearing long sleeves and pants because I am so ashamed of my weight and body; and here it is again, another summer - and I'm burning up and feeling fatter than ever. depressed. :(


  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    You say you are at or under your calorie goal of 1200 each day? You need to eat at least 1200 NET calories a day. If don't consistently your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to fat because it thinks it needs it as fuel. That may be why you are losing weight but clothes aren't fitting any looser. Also, I can't see your diary so it is hard to give advice. Watch the sodium intake as well. It will make you retain water. Hope this helps and good luck.
  • songp496
    songp496 Posts: 2
    Hi MissRose888

    I was onces at a size 16 weighing in at about 215 pounds. The most important thing, is to eat enough. If you don't eat enough your body will go into what is called starvation mode, and your body will begin to strore fat rather than to burn it. Another important thing you must do, is work out. You can change your eating habits and loose weight, but the best way to loose it and keep it off, is to have a good amount of lean muscle. Lean muscle burns more calories during your day, and will cause you to loose fat quicker. If you can set a goal of walking 30 minutes a day to an hour, it will benefit you greatly.

    Try not to get discouraged, your health is better by trying to loose than not trying at all.

    Good Luck!
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    I would recommend one, i have the FT7 by Polar and I love it.
  • monoxidechick
    monoxidechick Posts: 339
    First off, congrats on your loss and start to a new journey. I felt the same as you and it took nearly 25 lbs for me to see and really feel any differences. Adding excercise, even small amounts will really help. Knowing how much you burn and eating all of your cals and excercise cals should keep things moving forward.
    It sounds like you are onto a great start, its not going to work any faster than what you have going right now. Excercise will help with changing the body and how it feels though.
    I know its frustrating with summer coming and changes not happening fast enough, but stick with it, buy an outfit or something that is too small right now, and try it in a month or two as something to look forward to, you will be surprised when it fits!!

    Keep up the good work, you can do this and stick with it. It will make a difference really soon!!
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    why are you only eating 1200 calories...that is not enough for someone over 220 pounds

    I started Feb 8th...at 242...eat 1800 calories a day PLUS most of my exercise calories and I am down to 216...still eating 1800 calories PLUS most of my exercise calories

    click the link at the bottom of my signature that says "Eat to lose"
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    You have to eat atleast 1200 calories a day or you put your body into starvation mode and you will gain weight that way. What is a bodybug?? I had to wait till I dropped 26 lbs before I dropped my pants size, but I went from a 13/14 to a 10/11. It will happen with time. Dont give up!! I am also known for wearing long sleeves and jeans in the summer time. I hate my body, here's hoping I can change that this summer and be comfortable and confident in my own skin!! Good luck to you!! Add me if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Personally, I'd give it a little more time. Especially if you are going to start incorporating exercise now. Eating healthy makes a huge difference in pounds lost, but exercise will help change the shape of your body and how clothes fit. Starting with walking is a great idea. You've made good progress so far; some exercise will only make it better.

    That's not to say that a BodyBug or Heart Rate Monitor isn't a good idea. Either one could help you figure out much more accurately how many calories you are burning since it does vary from person to person. But they also cost a fair amount.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    How much under your cals are you. My baseline goal is also 1200 but I actually target being within 100 Cal's OVER just so you don't regularly land under that ominous 1200 calorie mark. When you do get some exercise calories in, do you eat them back? If not, you should! I do...and I am regularly losing weight and inches. Keep pushing on...the inches will come!! Don't let your "depression" get the best of you! What good will that do? Only continue to make you feel depressed. Overcoming this hurdle and pushing yourself to be better (even when the results aren't what you're wanting) will make you feel better in the long run. You can do this. And you will do this!!
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    First thing's first - at 221, there's no reason you need to be at such a low calorie diet. Based on your weight (221lbs) and your bodyfat% (guessing off your pics at 30%), using the Katch-McArdle method (feel free to ask), you should be eating roughly 1600 calories a day, every day, no variation. Be sure to get 30g of fiber and drink plenty of water to aid in the weight loss process.

    At first I wasn't going to write that, but then I thought nah, in the long run you'll be better at 1600 than 1200. You will still be at a high (~625cals/day) deficit from your maintenance needs, which equates to roughly 1.25lb per week, but you'll be able to keep it up for a much longer time. 1200 cals a day is very, very hard to maintain and the majority of people fail and go back to their old ways.

    Now that being said, 5 weeks and 13 pounds is awesome. This time next year, if you keep it up and keep eating clean and exercising regularly, you'll be under 150lbs should you choose to be (not sure how tall you are, so not sure of your optimal weight).
  • MissRose888
    MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am eating 1200 because that is what MFP recommended (for 2lbs per week loss). Maybe I'll try to up it - but I'm scared I won't lose. Yeah, I am definitely thinking about the Polar FP7
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    I really really really reallly want a body bugg. A body bugg will tell you how many calories you burn ALL DAY which is far more accurate than what MFP will tell you.
    BUT... they are EXPENSIVE and you have to buy a monthly subscription to use it. ALSO EXPENSIVE.

    So I opted for a Polar F6 HRM. Now I at least know how many calories I burn during a workout, which is a big help. I take a dance class, but according to MFP, every 90 minute dance class I take burns the same amount of calories. But every week is different, depending on what we are learning... and sometimes, we do a lot of starting and stopping, so I know that MFP can't account for that. But with a HRM, I will know.
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey! Congrats on your weight loss! And I understand your frustration! But there's a world of people out here to help you!! So stick with it and stay strong!

    Here is a link that was posted by one of the sites wise men - I believe they call him Banks :) Anyways, it may help you better understand how MFP works!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/61706-guide-to-calorie-deficits Keep an eye out for posts from Banks, LadyHawk - they give awesome, truthful information!!! There are many others out there with great info too, just be wary!! Usually if someone has a link on their signature it's worth checking out b/c it's there for a reason!!

    What MFP is teaching me is that I do NOT need to starve to lose weight! Kind of hard to wrap your head around after having it drilled in there for 35 yrs but I'm working on it!! Society has taught us that we need to suffer to lose weight, but this simply isn't the case!!! I have my goal set at a pound a week loss, and I've been eating my calories, plus eating back my excersise calories and losing fairly steadily!! My new mantra is "Slow and Steady Wins The Race" - it took me awhile to pile this weight on, so it's definitly not going to come off over night - and I'm okay with that!!!

    Good luck! And try different things until you find what works for YOU!!! Everybody is different! Everybody's bodies react differently to different things!! You can do this!!

    Have a great weekend! ~Andrea~
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am eating 1200 because that is what MFP recommended (for 2lbs per week loss). Maybe I'll try to up it - but I'm scared I won't lose. Yeah, I am definitely thinking about the Polar FP7

    In your original post you said you eat UNDER your goal. Typically, you should not eat UNDER 1200 calories a day. Try coming in slightly over 1200 calories.

    Also, what others mean by you're eating too little is that you should set your weight loss goal lower (and in turn will be required to eat more). MFP recommends a one pound a week weight loss for a reason - it is the healthiest way to do it. I choose to set my goal at a higher rate, but I know the facts and make my decision despite those facts. It is my choice, just as it is yours. I don't tell others to do it. I actually can only lose a targeted 1.7 pounds a week because to target higher than that I would have to eat LESS than 1200 calories a day. Sometimes people have better results when they set their goals for a lower weight loss...so you might try it out.
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