Getting serious about sugar

jenkay87 Posts: 10 Member
Hello everyone!
Nutrition is my passion! I am a Nutrition major at ASU. You really are what you eat.
Chemical processes are happening with every bite you talk.
did you know if you cut out white sugar, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sugar you have actually taste the naturally sugar in veggies and meat!
In your mouth there is salivary amylase an a very special enzyme that acting breaking down you're carbs. into a sweet taste. So why do we add sugar to everything?
We desensitize our tongues to the taste of naturally sweetness of foods by using these corn syrups and sugars that are a hundreds of times sweeter than naturally sugar in meat and veggies. I promise if you cut sugar out of the diet even fruit sugars for a month. you can taste the naturally sweetness of veggies and protein and it will make you feel like your cheating on you diet but your NOT!
If you care anything about the why you body metabolizes sugar PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch this video. It is backed by scientists and lots of research.

Very informative and crucial for a dieting person to watch


  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    So true. By the end of my 4 month cut last summer, bran tasted sweet to me.