
allroundthesun Posts: 290
edited 8:00AM in Food and Nutrition
I've been diagnosed by my doctor as being in the early stage of osteoarthritis (at 27 :grumble: - my mother started developing it in her late thirties and my maternal grandmother in her mid-late forties, so it's happening *earlier* each generation, ugh :frown: )

In light of that, in addition to ensuring my diet is rich in calcium, I'm supposed to be taking 1200 mg of calcium in the form of a supplement every day (as well as a Vitamin D supplement). However, the supplement (I'm using this one: is making me horribly nauseated, even if I only take one tablet instead of two. I tried switching to calcium citrate (this one: since it's meant to be easier on the stomach, but I was just as nauseated. I'm taking it with a meal as recommended, of course.

I can't stop taking it, but the nausea is severe enough to be debilitating, so I have no idea what to do. I intend to ask my doctor as my next appt. of course, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone here has had a similar reaction and found a solution. Thanks!


  • Kathleen_noel
    Kathleen_noel Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, there. I have hypocalcemia due to autoimmune hypoparathyroid.The hypocalcemia is a drop in calcium controlled by parathyroid. Any ways ... I'm told to take 1500 mg of TUMS twice a day for my calcium and I find that it works fairly good, I think. It doesn't make my stomach upset or anything but if you do take it, take it right when you take your vitamin d and maybe try to eat it with food if you're still nauseas?
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Can you possibly super increase your calcium by what you eat? Green leafy veggies and of course dairy, even whey protein, maybe Green Smoothies.
  • mrssparkle
    mrssparkle Posts: 47
    I have low calcium due to parathyroid damage when I had my thyroid operation. I have to take 6x500mg of calcium a day (Calichew forte with vit D) I also take 1 mg alfaclcidol (vit D) I take the calcium throughout the day one at a time because the body does not absorb more than 500/600mg at a time and never have any nausea. Only thing is have to leave a four gap between thyroxine and calcium and so keep forgetting to take all calcium!
  • pipinan24
    pipinan24 Posts: 14
    Last year after breaking my ribs randomly I found out that I was borderline with osteopenia which is the stage before osteoporosis and I'm only 20. I'm lactose intolerant and never liked milk anyway so I was going without barely any calcium and hadn't thought twice about it cos I'd never broken anything before. So I became strict about the supplements. There's 2 types I take usually (whichever is in the shop I buy them in) and they're osteocare vitabiotics. That brand comes in tablet form or liquid like a medicine. The other brand I get is beeline which is cheaper and has other things like zinc and magnesium in it. I've never experienced any nausea with any of these. It might be just me though but they're worth a try! Good luck :)
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    I seem to get lots of calcium from whey protein and skim milk :)
    and swiss miss diet chocolate
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    Have you tried to take Centrum Silver? I get soo sick to my stomach with regular vitamins and stuff [or used to, I don't seem to anymore. I eat a b it, take the pill, then eat a bit more] and when I used the Centrum Silver it didn't make me sick. I would literally lie on the floor and throw up when I took vitamins, which is why I refused to take them for so long.

    I just started taking Calcium again, and Vitamin D. I have Vitamin D gummies I use, and I looked everywhere for calcium chews. They do have the little chocolates/carmels that are full of Calcium, you could try those!
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Hey, I take a calcium supplement, Viactiv it's a Milk Chocolate Soft Chew Plus Vitamins D & K. I try to convince myself that it's a little tootsie roll, that taste isn't horribly off.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    I try the gummie calciums made for adults 2 or 3 throughout the day. They taste good! You should ask your doctor if these would be sufficient. Good luck! Drink lots of milk/soy milk!!!
  • Thanks so much for the suggestions! I spoke to one of the pharmacists at my pharmacy and she suggested Caltrate Plus (so I'm getting Vitamins D and K, Magnesium, and a few other minerals I can't recall off the top of my head at the same time as the Calcium now) as something most people tolerate well, and so far so good! It only has calcium carbonate as a source of calcium, so maybe it was the other calcium sources that bother my stomach, I have no idea. *shrug* Thank you again!
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