Going over in calories ...

So tonight we're going out to dinner, and no matter how I plan the meal, I'm going to go over my calories by at least 100 - 150. Which is ok, in general, because I've been doing great so far, and I'm losing weight. I'm not hung up about it.

But I don't have time to work out today, not even a quick 30 minute walk - just a crazy schedule. On these days, how do you guys handle it - should I eat about 100 less tomorrow? or workout for 100 more calories tomorrow? Or just not worry too much about it?



  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it at all. You need to live a normal life as well as be on a diet. Just make healthy choices and make sure you're strict with yourself for a couple of days afterwards and it'll all come out in the wash. I took 4 days off over Easter, put on 4lbs and lost it again in 4 days!
  • Ekeras
    Ekeras Posts: 22
    100-150 is not a big deal at all, just make sure you don't do it on a regular basis and you should be ok. :)

    Go out and enjoy yourself!
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Yea, I really wouldn't worry too much about it especially if it is only 100 or so. MFP automatically factors in a caloric deficit based on how many lbs you want to lose a month and that is usually pretty well over 100 calories. So even if you go 100 over what MFP tells you, you are more than likely still going to be at a deficit.

    If it is more than 100 calories then that isn't the end of the world either. No one is perfect and a day every now and then where you go a little over isn't that bad (and in some cases may help by keeping your metabolism guessing).
  • Thunderella05
    I wouldn't worry about it either. :0)
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I try to stay a little below my calorie allowance every day (100-150 is ideal if I am exercising) and then if I go over one day, I have "banked" the calories to cover it. I try to keep my "net" weekly calories in the green and that seems to work well for me. My family gets together every Sunday for Sunday dinner and I don't want to deprive myself while the skinny minnies eat all the good stuff. :ohwell:
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I try and balance over a week rather than worrying about individual days, it's actually good to mix up your calorie intake as it can keep starvation mode away.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 483 Member
    Yea, I really wouldn't worry too much about it especially if it is only 100 or so. MFP automatically factors in a caloric deficit based on how many lbs you want to lose a month and that is usually pretty well over 100 calories. So even if you go 100 over what MFP tells you, you are more than likely still going to be at a deficit.

    If it is more than 100 calories then that isn't the end of the world either. No one is perfect and a day every now and then where you go a little over isn't that bad (and in some cases may help by keeping your metabolism guessing).

    This is exactly how I look at it. I was 50 calories over 2 days ago, but I was still about 400 under what my height/age should be taking in. So you're still losing, just not losing .0001% of what you may have in a given week. However, doing an additional 10 minutes of cardio wouldn't kill anyone after going over either. To each his or her own.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What they all said. Look at your calorie intake on a weekly basis, variations day to day are bound to happen.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I don't worry about it either. MFP gives us a calorie target everyday and some days we're under and some days we're over. It sure makes us less stressed if we don't worry about hitting the target in the bulleyes every day.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I stuck to what I prelogged, and even left half of my food on my plate. So I know I actually didn't go over. Yet the scale showed +2 lbs this morning.

    I'm going to chalk it up to the sodium, eat clean for a few days, and hopefully those 2 lbs will be like a bad dream that never really happedened, lol.