What's up!!!

Bkakmk Posts: 4 Member
Just thought I'd check in because it seems like the cool thing to do! I've tried them all and lost lbs on many. I just have a hard time sticking with it. I dropped 17 lbs in one month on WW but we won't talk about what I gained back. LOL

Anyway, I've been using app and site for about 5 days and it's great. Time to check out the community and find buddies going through the same thing that brought us all here.

I haven't weighted in yet. I'm going to do it every Monday so we'll see how that goes. (Wish me luck!)

Take it easy!



  • charwell
    charwell Posts: 14 Member
    Good Luck...I have always been told to weigh in first thing in the morning...also...if you weigh in at a certain time...do it at that time every week...I'm sure we'll chat more soon...WELCOME~
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member