Zumba how to track on MFP

Does anyone know how track Zumba on here? It wasn't listed.


  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    It is not listed. Before I got my heart rate moniter, I logged in under high impact areboics
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    "dancing-general" was pretty close for me when I compared it to my HRM. Depends on the intensity of the class though.
  • scutes
    scutes Posts: 13
    There are some dance exercises in the database that you can use. I added Zumba as an exercise in my database but it doesn't seem to let you share it with other members like it does with food, so everyone has to add it for themselves. Then you'll have to calculate how many calories you're burning using a heart rate monitor or if you don't have one, manually take you heart rate a few time during the class and use the average to determine calories burned. I've used the website below to figure out calories burned and found it really helpful. Depending on the class and intensity I would say most people will burn 400-600 calories in an average Zumba class.

  • blujay81
    blujay81 Posts: 6
    Here's a helpful little website I found for calculating how many calories you burn. http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php
    I checked, and there's no specific Zumba category, but if you use something similar like dancing-samba and aerobics-high impact and average out the calories, you should get pretty close.
    Hope it helps :o)
  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164
    Thanks y'all