Secrets Should Be Told....



  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    Love the idea and think its beautiful.

    Happy to say I dont have anny real secrets, a side form the ones I'm keeping for others ofc I have always been able to speak my mind freely and can almost always awnser without lying or having to hide something. Always pref to be honest and confront people or problems head on =)

    that is the person i would like to be. do you find that people respect you or that you hurt people in the process? I get so concerned.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It is no secret Angel that I adore you and will happily shout it to the world. :heart:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I trust no one, so I hide behind the act of exposing myself to the public. I suppose that's a known secret? If it's not, it is now.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member

    I am an open book. Don't have any of my own secrets, but I sure can keep a secret.

    Like the time someone told me (..@#$#%%&%) :laugh: :laugh:
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    i love postsecret and have subscribed to the site for years but haven't been reading them and didn't realize they've slipped to my spam filter.

    thanks for the reminder and how awesome that you found a secret in your book!

  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    DA, my dear angelface.. You know you are the only one here on MFP that I have told one of my darkest secret to. And I love you for being able to hold on to it and I love you for knowing the place where it came from ♥
    maybe I will come back here later and be open about it. *shrug* I dunno.. really scary!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I want to come back and contemplate this more. It is touching and deserves deep thought. I recently came out to my closest family a secret that I thought would change our lives forever.....and things just went back to "business as usual". In a way I felt betrayed that no one seemed to take the gravity of the situation as seriously as I had hoped....but then I wonder....what did I expect? :brokenheart:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im very very open, I lack filters so im pretty much out in the open. There is 2 things not to many people know about me and Im not sure I ever want anyone to know
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Ok here's mine...... We were married 20 yrs when my ex left me about 9 yrs ago. He was my best friend and my love. We parted
    and I didn't see him for a few years. See we live in FL and the day he left me he moved to CO. (Its really a long story).......

    Well first time I saw him a few years back was when I took our grandson to meet his mom (my ex- mother-in-law). That was the only time I saw him since the day he left back in 02.

    Well he moved back to town just before Easter and everyone was like don't go see him. Well I did. I texted him and he called right back. I still love him BUT there is so many things holding me back. I want to see him and get to know him again but yet I'm scared.

    When we met the other night we met at a park and talked for over an hour and as we parted ways he came over by me and hugged me. ARGH!

    I don't know if I can tell others this. Most people I know that divorced departed ways badly. When we did our divorce even my lawyer asked "now why are you guys getting a divorce?"

    What to do what to do?!?!?!
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    That is so sad and so beautiful...

    It's funny that i saw this thread today because only a couple of hours ago i was amazed at how i can open up to my boyfriend. We've been together one year and i feel completely secure with him. I can tell him anything and i feel completely comfortable with him seeing me in a way i would usually hide from someone else.

    I was with my ex for 7 years and i never felt like this.

    It's something i've never had before and it's wonderful. I hope everyone has, or discovers that special person too xx
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I want to come back and contemplate this more. It is touching and deserves deep thought. I recently came out to my closest family a secret that I thought would change our lives forever.....and things just went back to "business as usual". In a way I felt betrayed that no one seemed to take the gravity of the situation as seriously as I had hoped....but then I wonder....what did I expect? :brokenheart:
    My heart just broke for you... this happened to me too!! I wish it didn't have the same effect on you :(

    I almost feel blamed and chastised for my wrong comings .... just please find comfort in the fact you are not alone.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I want to come back and contemplate this more. It is touching and deserves deep thought. I recently came out to my closest family a secret that I thought would change our lives forever.....and things just went back to "business as usual". In a way I felt betrayed that no one seemed to take the gravity of the situation as seriously as I had hoped....but then I wonder....what did I expect? :brokenheart:

    At least you were brave enough to tell a secret to your family. Some people live their entire lives keeping a secret that is poisoning their life. Even if their reaction is hurtful, at least you have released it from your soul!!

    So proud of you for taking that leap, it's a scary place and you went for it! :drinker:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    How wonderful!!! Love it!:smile:
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok here's mine...... We were married 20 yrs when my ex left me about 9 yrs ago. He was my best friend and my love. We parted
    and I didn't see him for a few years. See we live in FL and the day he left me he moved to CO. (Its really a long story).......

    Well first time I saw him a few years back was when I took our grandson to meet his mom (my ex- mother-in-law). That was the only time I saw him since the day he left back in 02.

    Well he moved back to town just before Easter and everyone was like don't go see him. Well I did. I texted him and he called right back. I still love him BUT there is so many things holding me back. I want to see him and get to know him again but yet I'm scared.

    When we met the other night we met at a park and talked for over an hour and as we parted ways he came over by me and hugged me. ARGH!

    I don't know if I can tell others this. Most people I know that divorced departed ways badly. When we did our divorce even my lawyer asked "now why are you guys getting a divorce?"

    What to do what to do?!?!?!

    Wow, what an amazing story. Sometimes people are meant to be apart forever, and some for just a period of time. Just know that those who really love you will support your decision no matter how unconventional it is!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I want to come back and contemplate this more. It is touching and deserves deep thought. I recently came out to my closest family a secret that I thought would change our lives forever.....and things just went back to "business as usual". In a way I felt betrayed that no one seemed to take the gravity of the situation as seriously as I had hoped....but then I wonder....what did I expect? :brokenheart:

    Sounds very familiar. ((hugs to you, love))

    I told my hubster a secret. One which I held private about my childhood. I'm not sure why I never disclosed what happened. It just never came up. Anyway. After my secret was divulged, it felt like a tremendous relief. I'd like to think we're all the closer for me finally opening up with it.

    In general, I'm very private and have always been. Not from specific instances of being hurt, perhaps it's more of experiences. I just find it hard to be totally trusting.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Great site
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    In sophomore year I listened to Brokencyde. There, I said it. :embarassed:
  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    that is the person i would like to be. do you find that people respect you or that you hurt people in the process? I get so concerned.

    Yes and yes, I have noticed that at my part time job for example after helping a girl out with her (ex)boyfriend I became some sort of Dhr.Pill at my work and its funny on one side and I feel honored in a way aswell and always rewarding to be able to help a friend out or co-worker.

    And yes I have hurt people, for example my sister.
    I have 2 older sisters and my eldest is a great sister, mother and wife. And the younger one is just a parasite thinking the world revoles around her. Now I dont want to get into a massive family histroy lesson here but it basicly comes to this:

    My mom is getting older and last year had became very weak and ill and while she is doing bttr now she still is recovering.
    My oldest sister lives 5min away from us with her own family.
    My dad died when I was young ( 12-13 )
    And me and my other sister use to both live with my mom in a big *kitten* house.

    I make a pretty penny so to speak and after my sister noticed that she starting to my mom behind my back asking if my mom would talk on her behalve to me about me paying her 600 euro's a month so she could stop working and ''enjoy life'' ( her words ).
    She would also do stuff like borrow money from my mom and never pay it back or sit on her *kitten* all day long when she wasnt working and even doh my mom strugle's with the house keeping ( and my mom refusing a maid or smth like that )
    and me beeing unable to help fully with that because of work she would just watch my mom work her *kitten* of while she ate some cookie's in front of the TV. Now a side form that she had a lot of other annoying things like she would behave as if she was 16 and the most important and best looking girl ever when she even got to a point of her having no more friends because of this behavior. At her last birthday the people/friends she had left who where invited didnt even show.
    Or not showing up while she had to take my oldest sister to the hospital.

    But my mom beeing the small and good person she is not wanting to hurt a even a fly kept telling me that she didnt want us to fight so I should just let it be. Now ofc I tried to do this for a little while to please my mom but that just didnt work for me.
    And finaly after 4 months ( witch I still regret to this day for taking so long ) I snapped and told her she had 14 days to sort her stuff and get the hell out of the house. That I no longer wanted to deal with her bad behavior towards our mom and here other crap. She left after 7 days because I stopped talking to her and ignored her stone cold and she could ofc feel the massive tension between us. And after she left it was like this huge weight was lifted from our house and our family has never been closer.

    Now I know it was harsh, dont get me wrong I mean kicking out your own sister isnt something you do everyday.
    But after having set backs all my life after hitting 22 with people dying or just set backs money wise I decided I didnt want this annymore and would face my problems head on and resolve them and move on no mather what and I did.

    Most of my family and friends think its harsh what I did aswell but they do understand my reasoning and are unable to say I made the wrong decision and respect me for beeing honest.

    Damn this turned out to be pretty long SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT ^^
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I never really told many ...simply's often stereotyped...4 years ago I was diagnosed with a form of depression...I deal with it so much better now .. there's always that social stigma involved...I find humor & working out to help me so much with it..& I still haven't told many of the closest people I know..again.. because of how they might feel about me then...don't want no pity party for me...I'm open to say it here because I don't know many peeps personally...
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    I have way to many secrets that I am afraid of telling people. Because when I did open up to someone I trust they would use it
    to hurt me. And I have on BIG secret right now that is killing me, and I dunno who to tell, I can't tell my mom cause she is either drunk or under the influence of something. And there's no point trying to go there.
    I'm just trying to take everything day by day right now and hope I can tell one of my best friends what happened when I see her next weekend.
    The ironic thing is I have such a hard tine telling people my past but someone I don't know really well will tell me their whole life story like the 3rd time I meet them, lol I have also been told I have a very trusting face?
    Idk its weird when people tell me really deep stuff, Idk what to do so I just listen without judging them. And hope that helps in someway