Gym Tips?

So, I'm starting a gym soon (Anytime Fitness), and I've used the gym at my school but I've never been sure what the greatest approach was. Usually, I go on the Elliptical or do jogging intervals on the treadmill for thirty minutes, then go around all of the weight machines once (try doing at least 2 sets of 20 reps per machines, mostly 3-4 sets though), usually doing legs last. Sometimes if I get an energy boost during the weights and have time before class I'll get on the bike or stair climber for 10-20 minutes.

I haven't used gym equipment in a month and I'm starting to loose the little muscles I had gained in my arms and legs :( I'm overweight so I have a bad stomach but do want to get the to point where I have a little ab action going at some point. I'm really excited about this place because they have a bunch of ab focused machines!!! but I also want to tone the rest of my body. And to be honest. I want to lose some boobage. They're annoying.

ANYWAY I was wondering what the best order for exercising in the gym is? cardio first? weights? which weights? etc. Any help would be appreciated. REALLY hoping to lose atleast 20 pounds by the end of August.


  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Good question, I"ve heard that you should do weights first and then cardio....
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's best to do strength and cardio on different days.
    But if you do them both, ALWAYS do strength first.
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    Really? That's good. I usually feel so worn out when I finally get to weights. haha. Do you know why some people say to do them on seperate days?

    Also, What is this talk of making sure you eat your exercise calories? I thought you were supposed to burn most of the calories you consume in a day to lose weight. But it sounds like you're not? I'm a little confused.
  • OhSnaps
    OhSnaps Posts: 25
    If you're planning on doing both on the same day, do weights first and cardio last. Before weights, you might want to do some short light cardio for a warm up.

    As for specific workouts you can do, I'd say you focus on mainly compound lifts. Squats, deadlifts, pull ups, bench press. These are all exercises that use several muscles at once so you burn more fat.

    As for getting rid of the belly, cardio is your best bet. Yes ab machines work, but getting rid of belly fat is all about lowering body fat %. Oh and when working with weights, start off with a low weight to get the form down, then add more weight as you get used to the movement and feel comfortable enough with the form.

    Hope that helped and good luck to ya!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Here's an article about circuit training. At the bottom, they have two suggested routines.

    You should always warm up for about 10 min before you start. This can be done on any piece of cardio equipment at a moderate rate.

    For the abs, don't forget nutrition...cleaner eating is going to play an important part in better abs!

    Another suggestion, most gyms offer a free personal training session. Sometimes the trainer can make some suggestions or explain any machines/equipment you may not be familiar with. Lastly, take your measurements and bodyfat percentage. Lots of times you will see changes with these numbers even if the scale may not be moving!

    And as far as eating calories back, there is a lot of debate amongst the poeple on the forums about this. I've been eating my back and I am having success. Your body needs fuel to survive and if you are going below the amount of calories it needs by exercising or not eating enough, it may start holding on to weight instead of shedding. But you'll have people argue this. Do what works for you. That's all anyone can say.

    Good luck!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I recently started anytime fitness also, how are you finding it?
  • GvMeSmthn2Lstn2
    Thanks guys!

    I lost most of my weight last summer. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I started working at a supermarket and I've been a bagger, which also means I have to go out and get carts. Which doesn't sound like a big deal. But pushing 5-8 at one time for over 30 minutes has proven to be quite the workout! Then I added gym stuff when I got back up to school since I didn't work as much. But now I feel stuff. I started weights, which is when it got funky. My scale hasn't moved in MONTHS but my close are baggier. The other day I tried to put my belt on I hadn't worn for a month or so and it was pointless! It was so loose on me it looked awful! ha!

    So, I'll definitely start measuring myself!

    I just officially signed up for Anytime today! I'm going tomorrow to go ahead and get into the swing of it. I am so excited!!!! I plan on going everyday I don't work (I still work as a bagger/cart pusher and a long shift feel like one loooong workout) AT LEAST.

    I'm hoping starting this gym over the summer, along with working, will give me that bigger push and I'll get closer to the body I've always wanted!