Has anyone tried using Ali to help with weight loss?

kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering if anyone has had positive results with using Ali? I have been considering buying it since it's FDA approved I assume it's safe? The commercial says for every pound you work to lose, Ali helps you lose one more.....does this mean that if I normally lose 2 lbs. per week I could be losing 4 while taking Ali? That just seems too good to be true...but it would be nice and could help me get to my goal weight a lot quicker! Hmmm......going to Wal-Mart tomorrow, shall I throw it in the cart or not?!?


  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    The side effects/warnings are scary enough. It warns you not to wear light colored pants as basically you can have random, oily, tar-like explosive diarrhea. LOL

  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    it blocks fat from getting absorbed. however if you eat to much fat (think of all the times you have caved and ate something bad) you get sick. litteraly nasty crap your pants sick.
    i have done some looking up of this on google :] prolly wont try it
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    i heard it works but yeah if you eat greasy stuff you can cause a lot of that ugly diarrhea.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    The side effects/warnings are scary enough. It warns you not to wear light colored pants as basically you can have random, oily, tar-like explosive diarrhea. LOL


    dont you think people would smell that even if you had brown pants on haha
  • KeevaDeva
    KeevaDeva Posts: 4 Member
    I heard a long, long time ago before you could buy it when they were testing it that it could cause cancer. But maybe thats changed now, if it is FDA approved.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    What?!?! Now that's sick! I definitely don't want explosive diarrhea!! Guess I will just stick to slowly but surely losing weight.....
    Thanks for the info., I had no idea....that is something they didn't mention on the commercial!! :)
  • srenebailey
    srenebailey Posts: 39 Member
    Ewwww! That sounds nasty! I think I'll say NO to that! Nothing beats eating right and exercise.
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    It blocks some of the fat from being taken into the body you need to take a multi vitamin with in but not at the same time couple hours after taking it so your body getts the vitamins that ar naturaly taken into the body through fat
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Yeah, when you are in Wal-Mart just poop your pants in Aisle 3, then walk about the store for an hour or so. If you can handle that, then heck yes, throw some in the cart! Ha ha ha.... I am just joking....I thought that was funny!
  • pinktoenels
    pinktoenels Posts: 23
    They never put the nasty side effects in the commercial! They just tell you it is a magic solution. LOL! Only if there was a skinny pill we could all pop that would make us all a size 6. Cancer or not I would be the first to try it.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    LOL!! Clean up on aisle 3!! Sounds like I would need to also put some Depends in the cart as well.... No thank you!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I've been using it for about a month. I haven't had any bad side-effects. From what I've read people only get side-effects for the first couple of weeks. And if you do a low fat diet for a couple of weeks BEFORE you start Alli you should probably not see any side effects at all.

    And the claim is that for each 2 pounds you lose on your own Alli will help you lose 1 more.

    I'm not here to say you should use it, just that all these people are overreacting to the potential side effects. I have not had any problems at all.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    When I first started eating healthy 01/2010, yes I tried ali and it does work. Like other peole had said if you eat to much fat the side effect, which are not side effect just the pill doing what is was made to do block the fat. If you eat over the percentage of fat per meal then you pay the consequences. I learn the hard way when I ate popye's chicken and had uncontrollable ****s. LOL. After a couple of time experiencing this I quicky started to watch what I eat that was greasy. Some people output on the pill is they don't like the side effects. My output was I would not eat high fats becuse after seeing what I was putting in my sytem detered me from eating high fats food. I felt if I ate high fats foods then I would wanted to take the pill to block the fat, therfore If I didn't I would **** everywhere. All this detered me from eating high fats food. Once I was in control of not eating high fats food I stop taking the pill. I only took the pill about one to two months. I hope this helps.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    The side effects/warnings are scary enough. It warns you not to wear light colored pants as basically you can have random, oily, tar-like explosive diarrhea. LOL

    I've used it...it keeps you honest and making smarter choices in what foods you pick to eat. If you have a piece of chicken, it won't have much fat to block..If you eat a greasy cheese burger, your gonna pay with explosive oily diarrhea. lol
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    LOL!! Clean up on aisle 3!! Sounds like I would need to also put some Depends in the cart as well.... No thank you!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Thanks for the info. everyone! I think I will pass on Ali though....I just NEED my occasional cheeseballs fix! I would be overdoing it on fat and getting explosive rhea all over the place!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Don't do it!
    I've tried it.
    I am scared for life.
  • Actually there is a little more to be concerned about than staining ur pants. I have tried Alli & so have my sisters. It worked for them but due to pre-existing digestive problems it didnt properly work for me. They eventually stopped using it due to harshness on their systems. I do believe that things work for some people &l the FDA did approve this however on Dr. Oz show just yesterday it was announced several women have died using Alli because it caused them liver failure. It was also discussed that all tests for new rx are mostly done by the fda and that they usually with-hold negative studies in order to promote the new drugs. The reports available to our physicians are usually biased on fda's part & free rx given to dr.'s & clinics to promote later purchases. We should not always assume FDA is always in our best interest but whats in their investor's pockets. I have half a bottle of Alli left. I am no longer going to take them. Wish I could send them to u free of charge.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    be careful with that!!! I know 2 people who used it and it did absolutley nothing for them period!! but then I have heard horror stories about it messin with your belly too!! the most I think it will do for you is SCARE you into not eating fatty foods for a while!! Once one of my friends tried it and nothing happened (in the BR)...she just went back to eating normal!!!

    simple fact though...I have heard NOTHING positive about it :)
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