Apple shaped ladies

So who out there is apple shaped? I tend to gain most of my weight in my upper body. I was doing hot yoga last night, and being forced to stare at myself in the mirror, as you do in yoga, when I started noticing how out of proportion I look. My legs are tiny. They've slimmed down a lot. But my upper body is huge! I've always been this way (my father is the same shape) but it's not very often I'm forced to stare at myself and acknowledge it. I know I need to get over it and focus on being healthy and happy, but it's easier said than done.

Anyways I need tips to get my upper body to slim down. Specifically my upper arms, shoulders and back. I've been doing lots of exercise since I started my journey. Tae bo, Davina, 30 day shred, walking, etc. And since I have that layer of fat all over my upper body I tend to look bulky the more muscle I gain. I'm sure diet is the key to most of it. It's really bothering me at the moment tho, help please! Any tips and advice appreciated!


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am an apple too, and I'm afraid just a lot of weight loss. Apples unfortunately have to be thinner than pears to be healthy, as we naturally have wider waists.
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    I to am a apple- I started interval running last August. Lot 22 lb, then joined MFP in January. My total weight loss is now 44 lb. The only thing I noticed that helps is just exercise in general to lose the weight and obviously diet. I have noticed the further down the scale moves the more it is starting to come off my middle though- so it is alot of hard work, but there is hope:)
  • zosobaby
    zosobaby Posts: 13
    yep, i'm an apple. uk size 14-16 on bottom, 18 on top. have lost 23 lbs, not from where i wanted/needed to, sadly! my tummy area hasn't reduced in the slightest (to my eye!).
    oh well, just need to keep going at it i guess!
  • lisamarie1227
    i'm apple shaped and i hate it...i would like to know how to find jeans that fit right. every pair of jeans i get are either too tight in the waist and fit right on my butt or they fit my waist and are way to big on my butt. i too inherited this shape from my dad.:huh:

    since we're on the subject....any ideas on brands of clothing for this shape????
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    James jeans are good but so expensive, I tend to stick to dresses and skirts.
  • Mandz1984
    Mandz1984 Posts: 84 Member
    It really does suck. I've lost 21 pounds so far. Most of it before I found mfp. And while I have lost a pant size, and my boobs seem to be shrinking, I dont feel like my arms/shoulders have shrunk at all. Like all of you I struggle to find pants that fit right. Often tops as well because my shoulders are wide and my chest is big too. I guess I need to be patient and see how I feel another 20 pounds down. But I just feel very disproportionate at the moment.

    As for brands of jeans, I have yet to find anything great. You have to look for high waisted things that sort of keep the belly in and are tighter on the legs. Low rise is not my friend!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I'll toss my apple in the bushel too! I'm pinning my hopes on running intervals to get the belly fat. Pants with no waistband work best for me. As for jeans I've always worn men's sizes, but I'm hopeful that sometime during the next 20 pounds I'll find some women's jeans that work. I'm also working my arms hard! Fighting genetics is no fun, is it?
  • Mandz1984
    Mandz1984 Posts: 84 Member
    I think I need to jump on the interval band wagon with all of you. :)
  • faithindeed82
    i'm apple shaped and i hate it...i would like to know how to find jeans that fit right. every pair of jeans i get are either too tight in the waist and fit right on my butt or they fit my waist and are way to big on my butt. i too inherited this shape from my dad.:huh:

    since we're on the subject....any ideas on brands of clothing for this shape????

    I was just about to post the same exact thing!!!!!! I hate this shape! I have skinny chicken legs. Even my arms are tiny for the most part. I wear a 36 C. and a 10/12 on bottom bc of my fat stomach! In the hips/butt I seriously need a 6. I'd much rather be a pear :(
  • felly07
    felly07 Posts: 43 Member
    I am also an apple shaped lady with chicken legs and arms. My hips and bum are okay for the most part, my main problem is my belly - that's where I store the majority of my weight and I too naturally have a thick waist. I also have a large 36DD bust. I completely agree that we need to be thinner than pear ladies to look as good.
  • jambs5
    jambs5 Posts: 114
    I'm an apple and most of my excess weight is in the belly. I love my legs/my best feature and my arms. I had a free heart screening this past Tuesday and was advised to watch my sodium intake. Also, to do sit-ups/ab crunches and to try pilates or yoga to tone up my middle/belly.
  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    I am apple, and unfortunately, no matter what shape, you can't control where you lose the weight. It is different for everyone.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am not big all over the top, just me belly. I have thin arms, chest legs etc and am well within a normal weight range, but my waist size makes me still in risk catagories. Its a bit depressing that I know I am gonna be underweight before I get a normal size waist