I don't like water. Will diet coke do instead?



  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Firstly I really sympathise - but diet coke is not the answer. You could try green tea, fruit tea or even black tea with some lemon (preferably decaffinated)

    Alternatively have you tried sparkling water? It taste a bit different to still!!

    The others are right - the more water you drink the more you get used to it! The occasional diet coke wont hurt but it wont really aid your hydration
  • cuerpito
    cuerpito Posts: 65 Member
    You need to drink at least 8 cups - you think you would manage to drink 8 cups of diet soda a day? I LOVE coke zero but I only manage 1 can a day - sometimes 2 if I work in my yard or renovate my house (I'm a huge DIYer) a lot. Other than this, I couldn't drink that much.

    IMO, watch the juices. The same way you have to watch the amount of fruits you eat - too much sugar - even if it's good sugars.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    Try herbal teas. I do passion tea ( unsweeten) , or peach tea, yummm.
    I have a 3 liters bottle and I fill it up in the morning.....
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    Have you tried Mio? It's a water inhancer. yes it has some chemicals in it but maybe it would get you into the habit and you could slowly back off to watering it down more.

    I prefer my water ice cold and play mind games with myself about drinking it. Such as I can watch tv until I drink 8 ounces or I need to drink so many ounces before noon. :)
  • cuerpito
    cuerpito Posts: 65 Member
    Uuuu, good one, gettinfitmama! I'm totally stealing that idea :)
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
  • Meg2012
    Meg2012 Posts: 106 Member
    Pretty much as the subject says, I hate water! I have tried to drink it, but can only manage water when in the gym!

    I figured drinking something is better than nothing.... right?

    Diet Coke is not a replacement for water. But if you're going to have it - list it as a snack not a drink.

    Here's why:

    The caffeine in diet coke dehydrates rather than hydrates you.

    Also, the acid is bad for your teeth, the artificial sweetener may be a carcinogen. And there is no nutritional value whatsoever.

    I'm with you on having a difficult time drinking water. Lemon slices work really well for me. And filtering water makes it taste better.

    Also try herbal teas, fresh squeezed juice, or unsweetened sweet tea that you add your own sugar to. Heck, even regular Kool Aid is better for you! Craving the fizz? Unflavored seltzer with fruit slices or a bit of fruit juice is tasty and bubbly but without the high calories or caffeine.

    Hope this helps!

  • gail4721
    gail4721 Posts: 75 Member
    Well, do you like juice? Try the V-8 Fusion or V-8Splash...you get you a fruit and/or veggie serving in one. I dont like tomato juice so i tend to favor the V-8 varieties. I had to experiment cuz I wasnt quite sure about all the flavors until i tried them. good luck.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just in case your still looking for opinions:

    When I started 2 yrs ago to change my life, the first thing I worked on was water. I drank iced tea, diet pepsi, and a sip of water to gag down all my meds.

    I started by putting out 4 bottles of water on my kitchen table. I drank 1/2 when I awoke (gag down was more like it) I tried it cold for lunch. another 1/2 bottle. So on until by the end of 2 wks I was drinking 4 bottles or 64 oz.

    Here is the kicker, once my body got used to having what it actually NEEDED and got over being deydrated, it craved water. Clear, cool, unsullied water.

    I thought of it as cleaning my pipes. You sure would not clean your clothes with brown water, right? Would not even think of scrubbing even the toilet with iced tea/rbrown water. So why would I expect my body to get cleaned out with it?

    When I drink my water I feel better. Think better. Work better. Memory is better. I lose weight better.

    Try it.....you might find after a few weeks you LOVE water!!:love:
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    How about iced tea? I like water, but I know when I was pregnant and nursing I got kind of sick of it. I would keep a pot of brewed decaf iced tea at home to alternate with the water.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Pretty much as the subject says, I hate water! I have tried to drink it, but can only manage water when in the gym!

    I figured drinking something is better than nothing.... right?

    Not if the something you're drinking is crap. Water, tea, watered fruit juice. Not acid and artificial sugars.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Give coconut water a shot.

    The problem with Mio and similar additives is that they contain a lot of the chemicals that soda does, stuff that your body can't process.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Jill_newimprovedversion Posts: 988 Member
    I had a hard time getting used to drinking water too. But I SERIOUSLY believe it's a key element to the whole overall health change.

    Making a choice to feed your body what it runs on- CRAVES- which is 100% WATER is the first step ( and a CRUCIAL one)
    in continuing to make good choices.
    It's your choice to chose soda, but it's counter-productive- even if it's diet. Why sabotage your own efforts?
    Not saying you have to eliminate it from your diet, but don't think it's a health food- and certainly don't count it as your water intake.
    It's a snack. BTW, water has 0 calories and 100% nutrients.

    If you're on this journey for a better health, this isn't a step you should eliminate. Start small and keep increasing your daily water intake. And keep track. ( I bought a 20 oz. water bottle and I aim to refill it 3 1/2 times a day. )
  • beezalar
    beezalar Posts: 10
    My daughter hates(hated) water also......but after drinking water, walking 30 minutes a day, and watching her calories, she lost all the weight and then some............... she says it was really the water that did it for her and now she has learned to love it. She went from a size 14/16 to a 6/8. I think drinking water is worth the effort!!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am horrible at drinking plain water myself (I can after a gym sesstion but that is about it). I always put Crystal Light in my water to get in my water for the day. It adds flavor and only 5 calories. There are all kind of flavors. Actually with putting Crystal Light in my water, I usually get anywhere from 10 to 12 glasses of water per day.

    As for the diet soda question, I know there is alot of ideas about diet soda (where good or bad), but I do have 1 diet soda a day (it gives me my caffeine since I don't drink coffee). If I have a second one, it is always caffeine free). My aunt did nutrisystem and lost 65 lbs, and they allowed her caffeine free soda. Now, that I said that, I wouldn't ONLY drink diet soda; your body needs water and diet soda has alot of sodium in it.
  • paulhood
    paulhood Posts: 30
    From what I have heard and read in the past soft drinks in general aren't great for you, diet or otherwise. The diet drinks usually contain sodium (not much but it's there) and that makes your body retain water. Also, caffeine is (again what I heard) a natural diuretic which triggers your body's response to start storing water because it's not sure when it will get actual water. Not sure I necessarily believe the double-standard in that "fact" myself. Diuretics get rid of water but "it triggers your body to store" it also?? Anyway, the acid in the drinks are bad supposed to be bad for teeth. It has been said that those who drink diet drinks weigh more. It has something to do with the body's reaction to the sweet taste and triggering compulsions to eat more and more sweets in particular. I have been told that if I am going to drink caffein and/or eat too much sodium that I need to drink more water to help flush those out of my system.

    Since I have always drank water (started vigorously in 19 and 88) I cannot confirm or deny that it has helped. I started drinking 1 to 2 gallons (sometimes more) of water per day when I was stationed in Alaska with the Air Force. Alaska is a very dry area and you can become dehydrated very quickly there. As a matter of fact, I became dehydrated even drinking that much water. When I asked the doctor how that was possible he simply told me that in addition to the water I still needed to have important electrolytes (sodium and potassium). I don't eat a lot of salt and generally do not put salt on anything and only used what is suggested in recipes. I can only make two assumptions, I ate enough salt but all the water flushed it out and/or I didn't eat enough potassium.

    Some people claim that soft drinks eat through your stomach. When I first started working where I do now, our water plant chemist had two steel bolts and two solutions. The two solutions were 1) Cola 2) Some acid like hydrochloric or something. Anyway, one bolt was placed in each solution and the bolt in the cola was becoming damaged far quicker than the one in the acid. Hmmmm. I believe it as it applies to steel, but I'm not convinced that it's the same for the stomach and maybe not even the teeth. I think that if I had swallowed that acid I would have been burned far worse than if I had swallowed that cola.

    It just goes to show you that you can't trust everything. It's like how people play with statistics too. If I told you that you could make $100 for every "customer" you had and then told you that just yesterday I increased my own customer base by 100% you might be intrigued. But if I told you the same thing but told you that I only had 1 customer when I increased it by 100% to 2 customers you may not be as intrigued. You might not think losing 1 customer is too bad, but if I told you that I lost 50% of my customers in one day you'd flip out. Did you know that every person that ever drank a diet soda will die? Same goes for everyone that drinks water! They all will die!! If you eat 100 tons of artificial sweetener you may get cancer. If you eat a banana you may get cancer too. I have been looking and reading into statistics and the games that are played with them for quite a while and can see that while some are actually relevant, there are a lot of them out there who pick and choose how to present them based on their desired outcome. Like the customer base example.

    All of that said……I don't think personally that you can replace drinking water with drinking diet or regular soda. I believe there is some truth to weight gain and diet drinks.
  • :) I dont HATE water, but I was pretty much addicted to diet pop. I dont like normal pop, just diet. I would have one in the morning, one about a hour 1/2 later, one with lunch, another around 4pm usually one with dinner, and sometimes some before bed. I couldnt get enough which was odd because before becoming a mom, I HATED pop, any kind, I only drank water, all day and all night so I dont know where it came from. I still have one ocassionally, but at most lately one a day and I drink a crap load of water, probably around 100oz some days. I can only drink water ICE cold. (Like everyone else said) try the vitamin waters, or crystal lights and things! Im sure you can still enjoy one a day and long as you get that water in there :)

    "I thought of it as cleaning my pipes. You sure would not clean your clothes with brown water, right? Would not even think of scrubbing even the toilet with iced tea/rbrown water. So why would I expect my body to get cleaned out with it? "

    Great way of thinking! I never thought of it like that, true!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I regularly consume 20 - 34 cups of water every day. I start my day by literally chugging a 64oz bottle, and then from there drink from a 1000ml (about 4 cups) bottle for the remainder of the day. I rarely drink anything else. I have to force myself to drink milk to ensure that I'm getting a fair amount of vitamin D and calcium (when I was younger I used to drink nothing BUT milk though). Can't say water has an acquired taste, since it has no taste, but I can tell you from my own experience in sports, that I prefer water over sports drinks any day. Especially when it's ice cold (of course, you wanna be careful with that when you're working out so you dont wrench your gut).

    Diet sodas are better than regular sodas, but that's the only thing you should be substituting them for. Part of the big reason everyone says diet sodas are so bad is that they sweet taste makes you crave more sweets. Cut the soda out (regular AND diet) and see if you notice a difference on the scale. I only use Crystal Light or now Mio, to mix it up sometimes when I'm having dinner.

    I'm not sure how hard you go at it when you get your cardio in, but if you start drinking more water, you'll notice a significant difference in how you feel during and after your workout. Remember, all these things like soda and artificial stuff did not exist when mankind first came into existence. Granted, we have evolved significantly over the centuries, but there are just some things that can't be substituted. Look at the great civilizations of the world... and look where many of them got their start... on or near a major water source.

    Good luck with your journey, but definitely don't use anything to substitute for water.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I use Crystal Light on the Go, and dilute it so one packet goes into 32 oz instead of 16 oz. Still has plenty of flavor.

    It still has aspartame, so the folks who hate that still won't be happy. I still enjoy my diet soda every day, but it's more of a treat than a beverage.
  • paulhood
    paulhood Posts: 30
    Think about it. Water is clean, water has no additives.
    What???? Have you ever been to a water treatment plant? [Yes I have, I work in and around one] You'd be shocked at how "clean" your water is and just how many additives there are in it. Of course, they are all supposed to be okay for you to consume.
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