Snack Ideas please!

ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
I'm following a high protien/ low carb diet

I'm going out tonight from around 5:30 to 10pm, which of course means I'll miss my usual dinenr time! I'd like tot ake a snack with me (for obvious reasons) but I need it to be easilly moveable and 'quiet' because I'm going to a talk/ planetarium/ 'let's look at Saturn tonight' thing at my local Observatory

I don't wanna be the one person in the room munching/ rustling while everyone enlse trying to listen!! (like at the movies!! man that really gets on ma TA-TA's !!!!)

Thank ye :D xx


  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    baggie of nuts?

    can you sit in the back and quietly eat a container of cottage cheese or plain yogurt? both of those are super quiet but they do require tools haha
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Frozen grapes or peas in a ziplock
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I would go with the baggie of nuts.
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    thanks for the suggestions :)

    I'm gonna take some nuts with me, but I'll put them in a lock n lock so I'm not rustlin the bag and I'm gonna see if i can find a plain yoghurt when I'm on my way there in one of the corner shops I have to pass! I will of course be takin water with me to drink, so I'm hoping that keeps me fuller too!!!

    Will soooo need my dinner when I get home!!! lol!
