What am I doing wrong

I just joined MFP last month. I lost a pound per week, the first two weeks. Last two weeks I've stayed the same, or gained a pound. I've been meeting my food and exercise goals. I've only gone over my calorie allowance once in a month. I try not to eat back my exercise calories, or only some of them. I don't do very well on water consumption, so that's something to work on. Any hints from you veterans out there?????

51 years old
SW - 215
CW - 214
GW - 170


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I was in the same boat, then I increased my calorie intake and lost 2 lbs. last week. I was at 1200 cal, and I upped it to 1450.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    are you tracking sodium? If not you should because over consuming sodium will lead to water retention and cause you to hold on to weight.
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    The water will make a difference. Also watch your sodium intake- expecially if you aren't getting in the water. Do you eat many veggies? For me, they seem to help lose the weight. Maybe it's the fiber. Did you take measurements? Check those- sometimes the scale won't show it, but they will. Also, if you have greatly increased your exercise, it could be an increase in muscle. Again, the measurements should reflect that. Keep you head up- sometimes it takes a little longer to get the weight moving, but if you are doing everything correctly, it will come.
  • hellsbells1
    hellsbells1 Posts: 62 Member
    I was on 1200 cals per day and had the same problem so i changed it for 2 days to 1400 and began to loose again. Maybe try 2 days a week at a different calorie intake until your body adjusts again. Also i eat back some of my excercise calories to meet the net target.And you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, try drink a glass every hour.:bigsmile:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Are you eating enough? I have 1500 per day and I also eat back my exercise calories, so most days it is about 1800 or more calories. I started really seeing results when I set my goal to 1 lb per week and upped my calories. Water, water, water! I track sodium religiously, it can really affect your results. Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber as well. Eat for quality not quantity Eat as clean as possible. Avoid processed foods like the plague, and trans fats, fried foods etc are horrible for your health. Lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein and high fiber carbs are also good for you. And don't stress too much over the scale, slow and steady wins the race :) Good luck!
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I have been in the same exact boat. I have struggled with the same weight for months. Then I decided to stop doing what wasn't working and upped my calories up a lot. From 1200 to almost 1500. I have now been losing. I have a to-yo affect, so we will see if it stays off. I have also watched my sodium and increased my water consumption even though I was drinking a lot of water before. Are you eating a relatively clean diet? Try cutting out some processed foods that are full of sodium and junk your body can't process. The sodium cUses your body to hold on to water instead of using the water to break down fat. Sometimes it's slow, but keep it up. What's the alternative? To get heavier? Positive llol is that you are maintaining. Tweak your diet and see what helps you:). Hang in there it will pay off Nd just by being here you are taking control:))
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I am not awake yet, and I don't know anything anyway so this is just a rambling:

    Can't see your diary (and that's OK) so I will throw this out:

    Stay away from processed foods (packaged meals, etc)

    Drop your grains (breads, white pastas, corn, flour tortillas, cereals, etc)

    Eat back your exercise calories

    Be honest with your food entries (buy a food scale (digital)).

    Cook your own fresh foods (steamed veggies, grilled meats (even in oven broiler) Pan seared fish etc...)

    Replace cooking oils with PAM olive oil spray (or other)

    Grilled chicken, salmon, tuna salads are a great way fill and get your proteins

    More proteins (fish, chicken, turkey, beans, etc) at each meal

    Look to more nutritious foods not just calories

    Drink your water every day

    Sorry for any confusion but without seeing your diary I just have to assume your not doing any of these things.

    Take care,

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    I just joined MFP last month. I lost a pound per week, the first two weeks. Last two weeks I've stayed the same, or gained a pound. I've been meeting my food and exercise goals. I've only gone over my calorie allowance once in a month. I try not to eat back my exercise calories, or only some of them. I don't do very well on water consumption, so that's something to work on. Any hints from you veterans out there?????

    51 years old
    SW - 215
    CW - 214
    GW - 170
    I'm about your same height and age, and I have had the best results by eating my exercise calories — all of them. I work out six days a week, doing either P90X or some version of Slim in 6 or Slim Series, and I lost my weight eating about 1800 calories/day rather than the 1200 so many people strive for. I'm now enjoying maintenance at about 2100 calories. Yay! I don't know if you're eating too few calories, but I suspect you might be if you're not eating your exercise calories. I'd encourage you to drink your water too. It helps keep everything moving, if you know what I mean. :wink:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just joined MFP last month. I lost a pound per week, the first two weeks. Last two weeks I've stayed the same, or gained a pound. I've been meeting my food and exercise goals. I've only gone over my calorie allowance once in a month. I try not to eat back my exercise calories, or only some of them. I don't do very well on water consumption, so that's something to work on. Any hints from you veterans out there?????

    51 years old
    SW - 215
    CW - 214
    GW - 170

    I'm 5'5, 45 (will be 46 in a couple of weeks) and am now 192(ish). I wasn't losing at 1200 , so I started following the calorie zig-zag calculator that was recommended a few times around here. I finally started losing. Here's the link: (the calories are TOTAL calories you eat, not net).

  • cataraftgirl
    Thanks folks. I will pay more attention to sodium. Unfortunately, I have been using Lean Cuisine and Weight Watchers Smart Ones Meals for lunches, with fruit or yogurt. I never noticed the sodium amounts in these meals. As a single person, these meals have been very helpful to me...... easy to pack, contain some veggies, portion controlled. I will try to cut back on these meals, increase my protein, drink my water, cook more, and eat back my exercise calories in moderation.