Headaches from water???

harmonikki Posts: 20 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so I posted another post about having headaches...but this is my question now...

i've been having these constant headaches since I started my journey almost 4 weeks ago...i know that they aren't withdrawl headaches because I didn't suddenly cut out caffine, being as I don't drink that much to begin with, and I still allow myself a treat most days for sweets...but I may sound crazy,

I feel like it's my water that is causing them...

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them??? I'm not drinking an excessive amount...most days I get 8-10 cups a day, spread out throughout the day, but for someone who has chronic headaches, alot of the time I can tell if a certain food or drink is the culprit...and these feel like water...I could be wrong, or I've even wondered if it's possible its the chlorine in the water, being as I drink tap water from home and work...

Any ideas or thoughts would be great :D

and for the record, yes i know not drinking enough can cause headaches, I have already been down that road being as I have to make a concious effort (especially on weekends) to drink much of anything, cause I tend to totally forget...


  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    It is possible that the more healthy you get the more you become aware of stuff in the water. I would see if anything has happened recently to your water supply, because you never know. But I will only drink filtered water. If I don't I get sick to my stomach and even can start to retain water and feel tired. Water is really important for our bodies, so if it is contaminated, it is a problem.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    I was diagnosed with migraines almost 20 years ago, so I feel your pain - literally.

    Mine got worse (both more intense and more frequent) as I got into my late 30s and early 40s.

    Are you exercising? exercise is a migraine trigger. It is due to vasodilation (the swelling of the capillaries and veins due to exercise).

    I shoot for 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water daily. So at 150 lbs, that's 70 ounces. But I definitely drink more when I exercise. I can't drink large quantities all-at-once, or it causes rapid swelling (have you noticed your watch band or rings get tight during/after exercise?) It's a fine balancing act for me. I drink a couple ounces every 20 minutes or so...keeps the balance when exercising.

    I also find that with a continued exercise program, the headaches diminish. Stick with it.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I recently went to the doctor to get the migraine cocktail shot. My Imitrex shot wasn't helping. Ironically, the doctor thought that my three-day migraine was caused from a "processed food" withdrawal. She said our bodies are so used to all the crap we put into it, that when we stop that our bodies go through a major shock. :tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    The other thing is, are you eating enough? You cannot eat too few calories and expect to feel well. Lack of nutrients can cause headaches. I take a multi vitamin/multi mineral supplement when I am on a restricted calorie diet.

    Eat the calories recommended here INCLUDING the calories you earn by exercise.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I was also thinking exercise- is it worse when you do work out? Also, check your sodium intake. I have a friend who gets headaches from anything with sucralose (splenda)- it could be something else you're consuming.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Have you considered buying a PUR or Brita water filter? We have a PUR one that goes on the faucet and it definitely takes all the icky out of our water.

    I will tell you that when I started this journey, I had almost constant headaches as my body adjusted to the different way I was eating and to all the exercise. It took a couple months before I really saw any relief from them. Once my body completely adjusted, I rarely get headaches now. (Though I seem to be battling one right now -- which I think is allergy related).

    Edited to add: I just looked at your food diary -- I don't think you're eating enough. There are days when you have 300, 400 or 500 calories leftover. You need to make sure you're eating enough. It is possible that the headaches are your body's way of telling you it isn't getting enough fuel.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I was also thinking exercise- is it worse when you do work out? Also, check your sodium intake. I have a friend who gets headaches from anything with sucralose (splenda)- it could be something else you're consuming.

    Ah yes! Artificial sweeteners will do it. Aspartame gives me blinding headaches!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Just had a look at your diaries to see if you have sweeteners but couldnt see any unless you add it to your drnks. I get banging headaches when I get very hot during workouts.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I would think it is highly unlikely that water is the culprit, but you could certainly have it tested and talk with your doctor about it. I would look more to sodium intake, artificial sweeteners!!!, processed foods and whether or not you are eating enough (of the good stuff). By all means seek professional help if the headaches continue to rule out something physical.
  • Yes, excess water can cause headaches, severe ones and effect vision. More than 8 glasses in a day, should be monitored by a Dr.. Excess water intake can cause a condition known as water intoxication. And other problems resulting from the dilution of sodium (salt) in the body, hyponatremia. Increased water and decreased salt (sodium) levels can cause body cells to swell to the point of bursting. The bottom line is this: it's possible to drink too much water, but unless you are running a marathon, water intoxication is a very uncommon condition. :embarassed:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I took a peek at your diary. it doesn't appear that you monitor your sodium and you're eating processed foods. Prepackaged seasoning mixing, cooking sprays and canned foods all have high amounts of sodium in them. That will give you a headache for sure.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I don't get headaches very often, but if I do get one it is because I didn't eat soon enough. I eat often throughout the day and have eaten like that for a long time. I'm like a baby! ha If I get a headache it might be on a weekend where we aren't home and are eating together somewhere. I would rather have many things during the day, then eat big at meal times. For me it's to avoid a headache or getting light headed.

    Another thing- are you drinking really cold water? It sounds funny but I don't like my drinks extra cold and never put ice in them. I like my water just from the tap. Especially when you are warm and drink something really cold it might make your head ache.
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    exercise gives me wicked headaches. maybe it's that?
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