When to stop?

Since New Years I have been dieting. I have lost 16lbs. I am 109.4lbs 5'2, meaning that I have met my first and second weight loss goals. My first goal was to go from 125 to 115 then I changed it to 110. I am happy with my weight but I would still like to lose some belly fat. So, my question is when should I put a end to my weight loss? If anyone has been here suggestions are needed.


  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Probably now. If you are at a healthy weight, I would switch diary setting to "maintain current weight" and start doing more toning exercises
  • lijparsons
    lijparsons Posts: 258
    I'd say, don't worry about losing anymore, but just work on toning up. I hear Jillian Michaels Six Week Six Pack is good (although I've never done it). Various crunches, oblique twists, side plank raises....do them 4-5 times per week, and you'll see a difference in no time. Good luck!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Sounds like you just need to work on your abs...more muscle burns more fat : )
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    In my opinion, I would stop. 109 at 5'2 is tiny!! I'm 5'2 and my goal is to be about 130ish.
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    Probably now. If you are at a healthy weight, I would switch diary setting to "maintain current weight" and start doing more toning exercises

    I completely agree- work on toning your problem areas now, and just maintain your current weight.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I would recommend you focus on toning instead of losing weight. Look into yoga, pilates and weight training while maintaining a healthy food base.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Rather than worrying about the number on the scale now, focus on toning. Your number might go up a little bit, but it should balance out as you tone up, you should lose some fat too. Cardio is the big thing to drop the fat, but unfortunately you can not choose where it comes from.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am in the same boat. My original goal was 115 but when I reached that, my belly fat wasn't gone so I changed my goal to 110. You should stop when YOU are comfortable with where you're at, as long as it's healthy. Also you can do all the crunches in the world and it won't get rid of the fat. So disregard that. You still have to do cardio and lose the fat THEN tone. Good luck to you, I'm going through the SAME thing right now. It's no fun!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    In my opinion, I would stop. 109 at 5'2 is tiny!! I'm 5'2 and my goal is to be about 130ish.

    Actually, 109 is completely healthy for 5'2 especially for someone with a small frame. 130 is on the heavier end of the "healthy" scale. Nothing wrong with that, just saying, 109 is not unreasonable.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    In my opinion, I would stop. 109 at 5'2 is tiny!! I'm 5'2 and my goal is to be about 130ish.

    Actually, 109 is completely healthy for 5'2 especially for someone with a small frame. 130 is on the heavier end of the "healthy" scale. Nothing wrong with that, just saying, 109 is not unreasonable.

    i agree, from her pics she looks like she has a small frame, 109 isnt unreasonable. im 5'2" but i have a larger frame so im aiming at 135, plus i use to be 135 and i looked damn good! lol but id work on toning! Good Luck with whatever you choose!
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    Probably now. If you are at a healthy weight, I would switch diary setting to "maintain current weight" and start doing more toning exercises
    yes. I think you are at a good weight. your goal now is to tone your problem area aka your belly. you should start doing pilates or running, something like that, to help. losing more weight wont actually change your belly fat :)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Definitely work on toning! I got to 125 which is the smaller end of my healthy weight range and still didn't like what was left so just automatically dropped my goal to 120, thinking that was the answer. Turns out it's not! I hit the gym and started strength training and saw pretty drastic results within weeks, I now fluctuate between 125-130 but am much leaner and fit in to smaller clothes than I did at 125 without the gym!